Roskachestvo experts checked the work of Russian delivery services

Roskachestvo experts checked the work of Russian delivery services

11 марта 2022, 16:50
Are delivery service couriers often late? Is it true that home-delivered groceries may be out of date?

The answers to these questions of concern to Russians were given by specialists from Roskachestvo (Russian quality system).

What did Roskachestvo check?

In order to objectively assess the quality and freshness of the products delivered to the Russians, experts conducted a microbiological study of the goods, as well as checked the expiration dates and compliance with the standards of the commodity neighborhood. In addition, the speed of delivery was appreciated.

The study affected 3 types of delivery services existing in Russia:

  • delivery from online stores of retail chains (Auchan, Perekrestok, VkusVill, Pyaterochka, and so on;
  • marketplaces (that is, online trading platforms that offer goods from different sellers);
  • actual courier services (DeliveryClub, Sbermarket, Yandex Food).

A total of 36 delivery services from the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg were studied. The experts ordered the same set of products with different requirements for storage and transportation: meat, milk products, vegetables, bread. At the same time, they tried to buy food products from the same manufacturers, in extreme cases, analogues. The products were delivered directly to the laboratory.

Speed of the delivery and product freshness

As experts noted, all 36 verified services met the stated delivery times. The fastest delivery service in Moscow turned out to be Yandex Lavka (order delivery time was 9 minutes).

Of all the products delivered to the laboratory of Roskachestvo, only one of the 252 ordered goods turned out to be expired - cottage cheese from St. Petersburg's Dixy. The delay was 1 day, while no microbiological abnormalities were found in this product.

Of all the delivered products, the least fresh (the second half of the expiration date) were milk, cottage cheese, and chicken fillet.

It was found that in Moscow the freshest products are delivered by couriers of the Auchan retail chain, the Sbermarket service (from the METRO Cash & Carry store), the Ozon Express marketplace, and in St. Petersburg by couriers of the Spar supermarket, Sbermarket and iGooods.

Complaints about the quality of delivered goods

When checking the chicken fillet, which was ordered in the VkusVill, Perekrestok, Okey, Globus networks and in the iGooods, Yandex Lavka delivery services, excesses were recorded according to KMAFAnM (sets standards for food safety and freshness). Too high QMAFAnM indicators usually indicate violations of the temperature regime during storage, transportation and sale.

The same problems were with milk delivered by couriers of the Samokat service and the Globus network. In addition, in the milk from "Scooter", as well as in the cottage cheese from "VkusVill" and "Lenta" (twice), bacteria of the E. coli group were found. Such bacteria disturb the taste of the product and cause a musty smell.

An increased yeast content, also indicating a low quality of the product, was found in cottage cheese from Moscow's VkusVilla, Lenta, Dixy, Utkonos, Pyaterochka and Globus.

Listeria in chicken fillet and salmonella in cottage cheese

In chicken fillet from VkusVill, Troyekurovo and Petelinka, the researchers found listeria. Some species of this genus of bacteria are pathogens of animals and humans, the presence of Listeria in products is a gross violation of the law.

As a rule, listeria in the product indicates a violation of sanitary rules during the production and storage of raw materials. Listeria gets into the product with the main raw materials (that is, with meat, fish, milk), packaging or returnable packaging. Sometimes the workers of the manufacturing plant themselves, who do not follow the rules of hygiene, become the source of listeria.

Another problematic product was Samokat cottage cheese, which contained salmonella.

All in one package

A study of the quality of food delivery showed that the vast majority of delivery services operating in Russia ignore the rules of the commodity neighborhood - their employees put vegetables, chicken, bread, milk and household chemicals in one bag. This can lead to contamination of food and the transfer of bacteria, as well as a violation of the temperature during transportation.

As the legal adviser of Roskachestvo, Igor Pozdnyakov, explained, if all the ordered goods were delivered in one package, delivery can be refused.

There are few delivery services that pack different goods in accordance with the rules of the commodity neighborhood - in Moscow and St. Petersburg these are Auchan, Lenta and Ozon, Roskachestvo reports.

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