Posted 14 марта 2022,, 07:47

Published 14 марта 2022,, 07:47

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

91 million painful deaths in 2 hours: scientists simulated a nuclear war scenario

91 million painful deaths in 2 hours: scientists simulated a nuclear war scenario

14 марта 2022, 07:47
Scientists from Princeton University answered the burning question: what happens if a nuclear warhead is used in a military conflict.

SGS experts have also developed a new model of the likely escalation of the war between the United States and Russia, using the real ratio of the nuclear potentials of these countries, targets and estimated losses. More than 90 million people will die and be injured in the first few hours of the conflict, experts say

Scientists explained the work on this project by the need to demonstrate the potentially catastrophic consequences of a possible nuclear war between the United States and Russia, the risk of which has increased dramatically over the past two years. It is no secret that the United States and Russia have abandoned long-standing nuclear arms control treaties and have begun developing new types of nuclear weapons, thereby expanding the list of circumstances under which they can use nuclear weapons.

The 4-minute video presented by scientists is based on independent assessments of the current US and Russian military posture, nuclear war plans, and nuclear weapons targets. It draws on an extensive set of data on currently deployed nuclear weapons, the power of the weapons and the possible uses of a particular weapon, as well as the order of battle. It assesses which weapons will be used and for what purposes, in what order and in what phase of the war, in order to demonstrate the evolution of nuclear conflict from tactical to strategic, as well as to urban combat.

As a result, direct casualties and casualties that can occur at each stage of the conflict are determined using NUKEMAP data. The number of deaths is limited only by the direct impact of nuclear explosions, but will undoubtedly be greatly increased by nuclear fallout and other long-term effects.