Posted 15 марта 2022,, 20:59

Published 15 марта 2022,, 20:59

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Zakhar Prilepin: “Half of TV employees think the same way as Ovsyannikova does”

15 марта 2022, 20:59
A well-known Russian writer and public figure explained to his readers who and why works in Russian propaganda.

The writer Zakhar Prilepin reacted in his channel in a peculiar and very accurate way to the act of Channel 1 employee Marina Ovsyannikova, who appeared live on the Vremya program with a poster condemning Russia's special operation in Ukraine:

“Here people are interested: how could it happen that a girl (most likely a producer) appeared out of nowhere on the central Russian channel - who ran out on the air with a poster “No to war” in the frame.

It seems to me that other people seriously do not understand what country they live in. We have plus or minus half of the working cast on television - fans of Nevzorov's irrigation, devoted listeners of Venediktov and admirers of the book "The Day of the Oprichnik" (that is, they seriously believe that they live inside this book, and despise this cton, and this abomination).

And work - well, work: you also need to feed - let tyranny feed.

These people are recruited by top managers, who, if given them free rein, would also run out with such a poster. But the salary is too high. You have to humble yourself.

Just as an example, offhand.

In the program of the same Urgant, from year to year, all these eight years, one after another, people went as beloved guests who categorically did not accept “our Crimea”, and in principle did not go to this Crimea, and frankly cheered against the Donbass, mocking in social networks over his fallen and his heroes.

They walked and walked. Well, it matched.

On the contrary, those musicians (with the exception, it seems, only rapper Husky) or actors who supported Donbass or visited it with concerts - never got there.

Well, it also matched.

Maybe no one noticed. But who is aware of all the layouts - they saw, of course.

And this whole team, which formed the agenda in such a way, is sitting still, and not in Haifa with Ivan.

And nothing will happen to her.

But for now, you can shout in unison in a telegram, asking “how so?!?”

... nothing, you will see the New Year's light, and shudder.

This is not for you to take Kherson with Volnovakha. Local fortresses stand indestructible.