Posted 18 марта 2022,, 16:27

Published 18 марта 2022,, 16:27

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Parents of Russia: Three reasons to say “NO” to digital education

18 марта 2022, 16:27
The Union of Parents "Together", which unites more than 70 regions of Russia, has again contacted the editors of Novye Izvestia.

We publish an article by the chairman of the organization Irina Zhiltsova and psychologist Svetlana Filchikova. Every parent should know this information in order to have a complete picture of what is really happening in our education.

90% of parents are unaware that the Digital Educational Environment (DSE) is an experiment.

They do not know the essence of this project, goals, objectives, methods, risks for participants, guarantees and compensations in case of health problems or deterioration in the quality of education when using electronic and distance technologies.

The main thing that causes concern in this project is the health of children, their safety, the quality of content and the removal of a living teacher from the educational and upbringing process.

The DSP experiment came to the school in 2019, the results are not published on it. And they should. What are they hiding from their parents?

The history began in October 2017 - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation initiated the development of the priority project "Digital School".

A project for online education and distance learning in schools in hard-to-reach areas. Then the national project "Education" was created. It included the federal DSP project. As part of the implementation of the DSP project, a lot of documents have been signed. For example, order 649 “On Approval of the Target Model of the Digital Educational Environment”. According to the order, DSP is an experiment!

So, in our opinion, there are THREE main reasons why it is necessary to say "NO" to the figure in education.


The introduction of DSP in schools before conducting appropriate evidence-based studies that prove the safety of e-learning for the health of students, as well as before conducting research on the subject of non-harm to health in the long term, is unacceptable!

Not a single document on DSP at the launch of the e-learning process contains any guarantees for the preservation of children's health and the safety of e-learning, or the organization of a safe electronic educational environment - there is not a word!

E-learning and distance learning technologies prescribe the constant immersion of children in the same “digital educational environment”. We are talking about core subjects, not computer science lessons.

In the short term, electronic technologies showed their worth during the spring covid distance 2020. A mass survey of schoolchildren showed a significant deterioration in vision, problems with the musculoskeletal system, various mental disorders, complaints of headaches, increased fatigue when searching for information. Scientists, doctors, psychologists unequivocally speak out about the negative impact of electronic devices on the physical, emotional, social and mental health of children.

The Research Institute of Hygiene in its study of the consequences of distance learning revealed neurotic reactions in 41.6% of schoolchildren, "frequent desire to cry" - in 20.4%, sleep disturbance - in 55.8% of students ...

The expertise of the Independent Association of Doctors states: “We are faced with the fact that there is no publicly available scientific information on the study of the changes that occur in children as a result of the transition to a new digital and distance form of education, which implies that such studies have not been conducted ...”

Unfortunately, all these changes become visible only after decades.


DSP provides for the mandatory collection of information from all databases of educational organizations (including the collection of data on attendance and use of any educational resources and services, maps of the passage / meal system, electronic documents, video surveillance systems), integration of these databases with portals of state and municipal services, a unified ESIA identification and authentication system.

Most likely, this will be total video surveillance of children in electronic learning, i.e. biometric identification. Video cameras with biometric face recognition are already being tested in schools in Perm, Kaliningrad, and Arkhangelsk. In this way, you can collect information about the psychological portrait of the child.

The news of recent years is full of information from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council about total data leaks into the network. Bases are for sale. The establishment of automated education management, the collection of numerous information about children open up real opportunities for various criminals to track children online: pedophiles, blackmailers, etc.

Order 218/172 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On approval of the DSP architecture" contains a list of consolidated data. Only basic information about students includes 32 types of personal data: data about tutors and contacts of the child, about his parents, interests, addresses of accounts in social networks, email and phone number, document data, home address of the child.

Do we have to give so much information about ourselves in order for our child to study? No.

Among other things, this information is often a family secret and a secret of personal life.


The digital environment goes hand in hand with low-quality content that destroys the child's psyche.

The eerie prospects of teaching on the material that is being imposed on children are already looming.

Some tasks of the demo version do not stand up to scrutiny. Often there are obvious errors, some texts are translated by programs from English, this is a dirty "machine" translation.

For example, in a task, you need to think over the plot, shoot a video and post it on Tik-Tok. This is despite the fact that "Tik-Tok" has an age limit of 16 years!

The task is given to analyze a poem where children fight, focusing on laughter and humor when others are hurt!

Or they ask in tasks - to find 3 similarities and 3 differences between the owner and his dog. We believe that in this way a person is reduced to the level of an animal .

Or, for example, you need to parse a sentence, in which there is clearly propaganda that parents are backward people, and they don’t understand you (child, teenager).

The training videos to which Sberclass provides a link contain dating advertisements, and in the recommended videos, the child is invited to “reject the teacher” and parents!

There is no content protection, but on the contrary, there is propaganda of immorality in the person of Morgenstern and 10 top YouTube gays!

On June 21, 2021, live HSE experts summed up the results of the digitalization stage.

According to the leading expert Tatyana Mertsalova, “...from the real negative consequences, we can fix ... low-quality content, with the need to switch to a remote format without new digital didactics.”

Interestingly, the creators of the DSP themselves believe in its favor, or is their "sincerity" supported by considerable infusions? Most of the development of education platforms belongs to Skolkovo: Sferum, Foxford, and others. "Sberclasses" were initiated by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI).

Who is at the head of this project of education for our children? The progenitor of the scandalous project "Education-2030" is the Metaver project group headed by Dmitry Peskov (not to be confused with the press secretary of the President of Russia! - approx. "NI"). During 2008-2013 they managed to create its pilot model.

It is Peskov who introduces such concepts as “one button people”, “intellectual slaves”, “24/7” gamers and “ludiarders” – owners of human capital.

He openly declares this as a special representative for digital and technological development under the President of Russia and director of the Young Professionals direction of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Do you want your children to study according to the programs developed by such “ideologists”?

The variety of DSP is amazing, creating the illusion of choice in parents. Most of the platforms are "ordered" by Skolkovo. Why is there no single state platform? After all, our budget money is spent on this within the framework of the national Digital Economy project, which includes the Education project!

In total, 1 trillion 627 billion 146 million rubles from the federal budget and non-budgetary sources will be spent on the Digital Economy over 5 years. It is likely that these investments will soon bring profit to private companies developing a digital school. Many projects are paid, but a living teacher is more expensive for the state. As a result, the IT business will have its own niche in education, and the state will reduce its spending on education? And what prevented the state from making it interesting to study at school at a desk with a teacher?

For the last 2 years, the idea that digitalization will solve all the problems of the school has been actively imposed on parents.

High-ranking officials openly declare that there is no money for living teachers, and children will be taught by AI (artificial intelligence).

On April 15, 2021, a publication was published on the TASS website: " The Ministry of Education of Russia intends to entrust artificial intelligence (AI) with the selection of content for a school lesson ... By 2023, the Student Digital Portfolio service will be available, and AI technology ... will allow many labor processes Simplify teachers and make them more effective through digital transformation, for example, selecting content for a lesson, planning…”, said Deputy Minister T. Vasilyeva.

There is no money for teachers in the country, but digitalization will save schools. Maksut Shadayev, the head of the Ministry of Digital Development, thinks so. “A huge number of rural schools are not provided with teachers, and here no billions will help. There is no such money to bring teachers to rural schools, provide them with housing, provide a full set of qualified teachers in rural schools – there are no such opportunities.”

This means that where there are not enough teachers, and especially in remote areas, the government plans to replace teachers with digital assistants, electronic content and remote technologies. But there is already a shortage of teachers in the cities!

Should training be digital now? In the artificial game reality that AI will create for your child? Although most parents already have a hard time pulling a child out of games.

Another quote. Expert of the Center for General and Additional Education of the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics Sergey Zair-Bek at a press conference of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency in June 2021: “... they probably think that the pandemic will end and everything will return, let’s say, to the beautiful past, when there was a teacher , there were children and no computers. Unfortunately, this will not happen .”

As we can see, distance learning and DSP are not related to the pandemic that began in 2020, this is a strategy for the development of education at the state level! And the introduction of DSP means savings on the education of our children, including savings on teachers? And it's not hidden at all. Communication with a "live" teacher is supposed to be made elite, premium, not for the masses.

At the same time, the Ministry of Education announces that the goal of introducing DSP is to create equal conditions for obtaining quality education throughout Russia. Now judge for yourself whether this is really so.

Is there a "golden mean" in the application of electronic technologies? Certainly! Digital technologies have already entered our lives, they should serve, for example, as a means of communication for people who live in different cities or countries. But this does not mean that we should immerse ourselves in the digital environment and save on life - make virtual trips, recreation, communication.

"Digital technologies" should be considered only as one of the means to improve the quality of education. That is, they can be used, but the most central question is when, how and for how long. Here, independent experts - doctors, physiologists, psychologists, teachers - should have their say.

Children should write with a pen, engage in manual labor, creativity, sports, and communicate. Be sad because of failures and be proud of yourself, overcoming difficulties. To have the right to freely experience all this, to feel, to experience, without being afraid that you do not fit into the “individual trajectory” that AI has chosen for you.

Is it possible to defend the right of our children to live communication?

The silent disagreement of the parents will be regarded by the system as a SIGN OF CONSENT!

Everything was decided for us, some will say. But those who are ready to fight for the future are the majority. It is necessary to act as a united front and call to account specific people, by name, who are implementing and promoting digital. There should be masses of us - millions of parents, in defense of the future of their children.