Posted 22 марта 2022,, 11:35

Published 22 марта 2022,, 11:35

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Medvedev stated the meaninglessness of negotiations with Japan on the topic of the Kuril Islands

22 марта 2022, 11:35
Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev (pictured) supported the refusal to negotiate with Japan on a peace treaty and ownership of the Kuril Islands. The ex-president noted that this is a “historically justified, overdue and fair” decision.

“Obviously, we would never have found any consensus with the Japanese on the island topic. This was understood by both us and them. So the negotiations about the Kuriles have always been of a ritual nature. The new version of the Constitution of Russia directly states that the territories of our country are not subject to alienation. The issue is closed”, - Medvedev said on his Telegram channel.

He stressed that in the light of anti-Russian sanctions, the negotiations "have lost all meaning." The former president stressed that by imposing sanctions following the United States, the Japanese demonstrated "with whom they would agree on a hypothetical text of a peace treaty".

Medvedev stressed that instead of meaningless negotiations with Japan, it is more important to develop the Kuriles. He noted significant improvements in recent years, which are visible from the outside and felt by the local population.

“I have repeatedly visited our islands, made decisions about their support, I have seen real changes for the better - from schools to roads and airports. But more importantly, people who live there see it. It will continue to be so!”, - Medvedev summed up.

Yesterday it became known that Russia refuses to negotiate a peace treaty with Japan. Moscow is also withdrawing from the dialogue on establishing joint economic activities in the South Kuriles. This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The reason for this was the Japanese sanctions against Russia.

As for Dmitry Medvedev, he created a Telegram channel in mid-March, and the main topic of his publications is Russophobia and Russia's relationship with other countries of the world. Already in his first post, he said: "The frenzied Russophobia of the West, apparently, will never reach the bottom". He later criticized the Polish program for "de-Russification of the Polish and European economy".