Medicines are not for everyone. Podolsk pharmacies do not sell preferential tests for diabetics

Medicines are not for everyone. Podolsk pharmacies do not sell preferential tests for diabetics

12 апреля 2022, 11:07
Pharmacy employees of this city near Moscow refer to the instructions of officials to sell a preferential drug for controlling sugar levels only to children.

Despite the assurances of Ministry of Health officials that the shortage of vital medicines in the country will be avoided, in reality this is not the case. Another evidence of this is cited in his blog by Moscow region deputy Alexey Starchak:

“In Podolsk pharmacies, diabetics are denied the issuance of a preferential drug produced in Germany to control sugar levels.

Despite the fact that the drugs are prescribed by a doctor and are available!

Accu-check Perfoma test strips are available only in one pharmacy in Podolsk - GBU MO Mosoblmedservis on the street. Zelenovskaya.

But as the pharmacist explained, there is some instruction to give out the drug only to children on insulin pumps, since supposedly the stock of these test strips is coming to an end.

I demanded to provide a document confirming this version and prohibiting the issuance of the drug.

To which they showed me a letter without a number and date signed by the deputy. director of GBU MO Mosoblmedservis A. Zhelezina.

Pharmacy employees are guided by this letter, not issuing test strips that are extremely important for diabetics.

Each district doctor in Podolsk has dozens and hundreds of diabetics registered. Many of them are beneficiary pensioners who cannot afford medicines worth 3,000 rubles.

These people now have difficulty accessing quality medicine due to arbitrary actions of officials.

I don’t know what Zhelezina’s salary is, but I would like to suggest that she try to live on a pension of 17,000 rubles, making a daily choice between food and medicine.

I will look into this story.

I can assess what is happening as a real arbitrariness aimed at sabotaging the strategic tasks of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare.”

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