Posted 13 апреля 2022,, 16:17

Published 13 апреля 2022,, 16:17

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

A resident of Riga about the May 9 ban: Do you want Dirlewanger and Eichmann to run around our streets?

A resident of Riga about the May 9 ban: Do you want Dirlewanger and Eichmann to run around our streets?

13 апреля 2022, 16:17
Valentins L. from Riga, a “working disabled old man”, as stated in his social networks, recorded a video message to the Latvian authorities, in which he expressed his attitude to the decision to ban the celebration of May 9 in the republic. The video is distributed via messengers.

Instead, the country declared a Day of Remembrance for civilians and Ukrainian servicemen who died during the hostilities in Ukraine.

“Today there will be my video in Russian.

You see, our government banned May 9th!

And I have a small question for this government. As Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin asked: do you, good gentlemen, from the high tribunes, listen to yourself at least a little, what do you say?

My grandfather, a Latvian Red Rifleman, died during the storming of Riga in 1944.

My mother was imprisoned in the Salaspils concentration camp at one time.

And this “hated”, whom you hate so much, Russian soldier, Soviet, he freed my mother. And thanks to these soldiers there is no war in Latvia for 80 years!

And now I live thanks to them!

And you will forbid me all this and order me to forget?!

A man does not value freedom until he is locked up in a cage, he does not value life until he himself is killed.

So appreciate it, good gentlemen!

Or do you want Paul Dirlewanger to run along the streets of Riga, or there were people like Adolf Eichmann?

It won't work, gentlemen!

If necessary, I will protect this monument with my blood! Like my grandfather, in 1944, I will. And I will not be alone, all the people will be with me. (We are talking about the Monument to the Liberators in Riga, near which Latvia annually celebrates Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War - noted by "NI")

You have already taken away the “red shooters” from us, there was a museum named after them, but what did you do? (We are talking about the current Museum of the Occupation of Latvia - noted by "NI") Renamed! And where does the red arrows, they occupied whom?

I have this question: who did they occupy, the Latvian riflemen?!” the man says in his @user2xqf4rmq78 account.

Recall that on March 31, the Saeima of Latvia adopted in the final reading amendments to the law on the safety of public entertainment and festive events, prohibiting events closer than 200 meters from any monument glorifying the Soviet army and its victories.

In addition, celebrations and fireworks will be banned on May 9 and May 10.

May 9 this year is declared the Day of Remembrance of civilians and Ukrainian servicemen who died during the hostilities in Ukraine, according to the website of the parliament of the republic.

Only rallies, marches or pickets in memory of the dead are allowed.

The national flag in mourning design will be raised near the residence of the President, the Seimas and government buildings, other state institutions, as well as residential buildings. A mournful Ukrainian flag will be placed next to the Latvian flag.

Violators will be held accountable. The law will be in effect until May 11 this year.

In addition, the Latvian authorities banned the use of the “Z” symbol. According to, “the deputies do not hide the fact that the purpose of these changes is to prevent the celebration of May 9 at the Monument to the Liberators. However, no one can forbid laying flowers on an individual basis, Vadim Barannik, the head of the society, said on 9