Posted 18 апреля 2022,, 13:56

Published 18 апреля 2022,, 13:56

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Oxford scientists say NASA's attempt to contact alien intelligence is risky

18 апреля 2022, 13:56
In their opinion, the transfer of the coordinates of the Earth into outer space can lead to unpredictable contacts with unknown civilizations.

Oxford researchers were skeptical about the news that NASA would attempt to poison a new message into space, according to the Daily Mail. In their opinion, this could lead to an unforeseen alien invasion.

Anders Sandberg, a senior fellow at Oxford's Future of Humanity Institute (FHI), said messages like this "should be taken very seriously". Given the challenges the message will need to overcome on its journey through space, it's unlikely it will reach alien civilizations, Sandberg says. And even if it happens, it will be nothing more than a postcard from a stranger. However, the risk cannot be completely ruled out.

Sandberg is in solidarity with FHI colleague Tob Ord, who published The Precipice two years ago. Speaking about the future of mankind, the scientist says that much will depend on what kind of civilizations we have to face - friendly or hostile. There is no consensus on this issue among scientists, but “given that the cons can outweigh the pros, it does not seem to me a good decision to take active steps towards contact”, - Ord says.

The message, which NASA intends to launch into space, is timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Arecibo message sent in November 1974 in the direction of the constellation Hercules. It contained basic information concerning man, humanity, the solar system. The new message in coded form will include data on the basics of mathematics, physics and biology, which are necessary for understanding people, including a description of DNA. In addition, the message contains a map of the Milky Way, the solar system and the Earth itself, data on the composition of the planet and its atmosphere. NASA intends to launch this "message in a bottle" with powerful telescopes - FAST in Guizhou and Allen Telescope Array in California.