Posted 25 апреля 2022,, 14:08

Published 25 апреля 2022,, 14:08

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Putin called on the security forces to “let" foreign firms remaining in the Russian Federation "work in peace"

25 апреля 2022, 14:08
Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at an enlarged meeting of the board of the Prosecutor General's Office, called on the audience to "let them work in peace" for Western companies that continued to work on the Russian market, despite the sanctions.

According to Putin, representatives of state structures need to protect business from excessive control.

“We must allow both domestic entrepreneurs and those foreign companies to work in peace, which, in spite of everything, continue to fulfill their obligations in good faith,” Rossiyskaya Gazeta quotes the president as saying.

The head of state stressed that a business support system should be established in the country, it is aimed at creating a comfortable business climate for entrepreneurs.

Earlier it was reported that against the backdrop of Western sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation, many foreign companies announced a temporary suspension of work in the Russian Federation or a complete withdrawal from the Russian market.

The authorities explained that they intend to provide support to those enterprises that continue to operate. In particular, they will be provided with preferential loans, the difference in the interest rate on them will be compensated from the budget.