The minimum wage and the cost of living will be increased by 9%

The minimum wage and the cost of living will be increased by 9%

28 апреля 2022, 09:57
The minimum wage (SMIC) and the cost of living (PM) in Russia can be indexed by 9%.

Izvestia writes about this, citing a source in the State Duma. Currently, the minimum wage is 13,890 rubles, and the PM is 12,654. With an increase of 9%, they will amount to 15,140 rubles and 13,793 rubles.

According to the interview of the publication in the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, we are talking about nine to ten percent indexation. The head of the committee, Yaroslav Nilov, believes that indexation should be carried out at once.

On the eve it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin promised to index pensions and salaries of state employees in the near future, as well as to increase the size of all social benefits. The last time pensions and social benefits were raised at the end of January 2022. Then it was ordered to increase them by 8.6%, which was slightly higher than the officially declared inflation.

#News #Russia #Life #Society #Minimum living wage