Posted 5 мая 2022,, 14:46

Published 5 мая 2022,, 14:46

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Russia announced the expulsion of 7 employees of the Danish embassy

5 мая 2022, 14:46
The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that it was taking retaliatory measures in connection with the expulsion of 15 employees of the Russian Embassy in Denmark and the Russian Trade Representation in Copenhagen.

The Russian diplomatic department summoned the ambassador of the kingdom, protested to him and notified that 7 employees of the Danish embassy in the Russian Federation were declared “persona non grata”.

“It was announced to the Ambassador that, as a response, seven employees of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in the Russian Federation were declared “persona non grata”. They must leave the country within two weeks. A visa was also denied to a diplomat of the Danish diplomatic mission”, - is said in the statement on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

At the same time, the Danish ambassador was informed that Russia reserves the right to take additional measures in response to the actions of Copenhagen. The Russian Foreign Ministry promised to notify the Danish side of the decisions taken later. The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that in addition to the expulsion of Russian diplomats, Denmark is pursuing an anti-Russian policy and providing military assistance to Kiev.

“On the Russian side, it was noted that the openly anti-Russian policy of the kingdom causes serious damage to bilateral relations”, - the diplomatic department said in a statement.