Posted 6 мая 2022,, 11:44

Published 6 мая 2022,, 11:44

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Military equipment of Russia and Ukraine.

Novye Izvestia’s Special project: What weapons armies of Russia and Ukraine use now

6 мая 2022, 11:44
Military equipment of Russia and Ukraine.
During the special operation of the Russian troops on demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, Russia uses both modern high-precision weapons and time-tested complexes and solutions.

In this special project, we describe which weapon is being used now for the first time, and which provokes the Ukrainian side to create dozens of fakes. It is important to understand what forces both sides of the conflict have at their disposal.


Soviet and Russian multirole fighter of the fourth generation. It is a development of the corporation "MiG". The latest MiG-29SMT were successfully used during the operation in Syria, proving their reliability and effectiveness. They are capable of delivering strikes against enemy targets both autonomously and with Su-34 and Su-35 aircraft. The experience gained in Syria was used in the development of the MiG-35 aircraft.


A Russian MiG-29 was shot down in Ukraine.

The video captured the plane leaving a black trail behind it. It looked like it had been hit by a rocket.


The MiG-29 leaves behind such a black mark during operation. It's a fighter jet engine. During the special military operation in Ukraine, MiG aircraft were not used. Only Su planes worked.


Soviet and Russian 122 mm volley fire system. Designed to destroy open and sheltered manpower, equipment and artillery and mortar batteries, command posts. Able to solve other problems in a variety of conditions. Based on Ural and KamAZ vehicles. Has been in service since 1963. A volley requires 40 rounds. The greatest distance to the target is 42 kilometers.


Telegram channel Nexta Live reported that the Grad system is being used during a special military operation in Ukraine.


There were no missile, artillery or air strikes on Ukrainian cities. For the video of the shelling, a video about the exercises of 2021 of the Russian armed forces is issued.


A family of Russian multiple launch rocket systems. Caliber 122 and 300 mm. It has been developed since 2012 by the Ul JSC NPO Splav to replace the Grad and Smerch systems. The launcher has a GLONASS navigator and a new computerized ballistic computer, which allows you to fire in automatic mode. New guided missiles with navigation using the GLONASS system have been created. "Tornado-S" has increased characteristics in terms of range and accuracy of fire and an expanded range of high-powered rockets. It is considered the pinnacle of rocket artillery in the Russian army. In terms of mass, the system can compete with the Kalashnikov assault rifle. "Tornado-S" is produced at the Perm enterprise "Motovilikhinskiye zavody". The family has inherent "Grad" reliability - the machine can be operated at temperatures from -40 ° C to + 50 ° C with almost 100% humidity. The new shells made it possible to surpass the combat power of the Grad by four times. In terms of firing range, the Tornado surpasses the American counterparts MLRS and HIMARS.

TOS-1A "Solntsepyok"

Heavy Russian flamethrower system developed in 2001. The main task is to support infantry and armored formations. The T-72 tank served as the basis for the system. Previously, the gun was placed on the chassis of the KrAZ vehicle.


Russia, during a special operation in Ukraine, used the TOS-1A "Solntsepyok" system. This was reported by the telegram channel Belarus Brain.


An old photograph of TOS-1A from a photobank was used to illustrate the post.


Soviet-made multiple launch rocket system with a caliber of 220 millimeters. It has been in service since 1975. The machine is based on the modernized chassis of the ZIL-135LM truck. In a volley of one car there are 16 shells that are fired in 20 seconds. The combat crew includes four people. In the history of modern Russia, "Hurricane" was in service with artillery brigades of combined arms armies and artillery regiments of divisions. Eight units formed one rocket artillery battalion.


Soviet and Russian multiple launch rocket systems of 300 mm caliber. The forerunner of the Tornado family of systems. The export value of one Smerch is $12.5 million. It was used during the conflict in the south-east of Ukraine in 2014, the escalation in the Nagorno-Karabakh zone in 2020 and during the special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine in 2022.


Information appeared on the Telegram channel about the use by the Russian armed forces of the BM-27 "Hurricane" and BM-30 "Smerch" systems with cluster munitions when shelling residential areas.


The photo shows a safe accelerator from a projectile. When shelling with cluster munitions, a part with striking elements is separated, which multiply the impact area. Such attacks bring numerous casualties and destruction, which has not been recorded. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have more than 150 "Tornados" and "Hurricanes" and can arrange provocations in residential areas.


A high-explosive aerial bomb designed to destroy military-industrial facilities, railway junctions, equipment, enemy manpower and military field installations.


Ukrainian telegram channels indicated that Kharkiv was being bombed with such bombs.


The Ukrainian military was photographed with the bomb, which shows no signs of deformation. The FAB-500 hull would not have survived a fall from a great height during the bombardment. Such shells have been stored in the warehouses of Ukraine since Soviet times and can be used for provocations. FAB-500 APU bombed Donbass in 2015.


A family of Russian operational-tactical missile systems. Developed in Kolomna by the Research and Production Corporation "Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering". "Iskanders" destroy enemy air defense and missile defense forces. Operates at ranges up to 500 kilometers. For the first time, Iskanders were presented to the general public in 1999.


Advisor to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Vadim Denisenko said that Russia is preparing to strike Kyiv with the Tor and Tochka-U systems.


The Russian Armed Forces have abandoned the use of Tochka-U in 2020. This family was replaced by the most modern Iskander-M missiles. Tochka-U is still used by the Ukrainian army. The Tor complex is completely anti-aircraft missile, designed to destroy aviation, and not ground targets.


Russian transport and combat helicopter capable of being used around the clock. Developed at the National Center for Helicopter Engineering named after M.L. Mil and N.I. Kamov. Serially produced in Rostov at the plant "Rostvertol". It was supplied for export and for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The helicopter is intended for destruction of enemy equipment, landing and fire support of ground forces, evacuation of the wounded, as well as for transporting cargo in the cockpit or on an external sling.


The drone filmed the moment of the attack and fall of the Russian Aerospace Forces helicopter in the Kiev region.


The video shows the Mi-24 of the Ukrainian army, unlike the Mi-35, it does not have a retractable landing gear. The downed vehicle is painted in light green camouflage, which is typical for the armed forces of Ukraine. Most likely, the video refers to military operations in Donbas in 2014-2016.


Russian cruise missiles. Designed and produced by the experimental design bureau "Novator". The performance characteristics of the Russian Caliber are not exactly known, since there is no such information in the public domain. Rockets fire at ground targets for 2,600 kilometers. According to other sources, the range of the Caliber sea-based cruise missile is 1,400 kilometers. After the US withdrew from the INF Treaty in 2019, the development of the ground-based Caliber complex began.


Russian ships are shelling Ukrainian cities from Novorossiysk.


The video showed the launch of fireworks from the museum ship "Mikhail Kutuzov" by March 8 in Novorossiysk. Shots fly from the rear of the ship, and on a ship equipped with silos for missiles "Caliber" - from the front.


Soviet supersonic fighter, developed in the 50s of the last century. Became the most massive fighter of the third generation. Produced in the USSR until 1985.


A Ukrainian farmer hijacked a Russian plane.


Photo taken in 2011 in Zagreb. The military aircraft was towed from Velika Gorica to Jarun for an exhibition in honor of the 20th anniversary of the formation of the Croatian armed forces. The MiG-21 is not used in the Russian army.

Project 22160 patrol ships

A series of Russian corvettes with guided short-range and long-range missiles. They were the first to use the modular concept of weapons. According to their characteristics, the ships of the project are close in their characteristics to the same multifunctional offshore patrol ships from other fleets of the world.


Ukrainian sailors destroyed the ship "Vasily Bykov". The ship was lured to a camouflaged firing position.


The ship "Vasily Bykov" arrived in Sevastopol without visible damage.


Double multipurpose fighter of generation 4+. Used to gain dominance in the sky. Capable of destroying air targets day and night. It is used to block enemy airfields at great depths and to operate on ground and sea targets. In training battles, he proved superior to the American F-16 and F-15 C / D Eagle and promising European developments. It was used during the operation in Syria and the special military operation in Ukraine.


Multifunctional front-line supersonic fighter-bomber. Designed to strike at targets in operational and tactical depths with the main efforts concentrated at a distance of 150-600 kilometers from the front line. Able to operate with massive resistance to enemy air defense and the use of electronic warfare. The high combat qualities of the 4 ++ generation aircraft make it possible to perform tasks without escort by fighters. Su-34 can fight with any existing enemy fighters on an equal footing. It was used in South Ossetia in 2008, in Syria and during a special military operation in Ukraine.


Air-to-ground tactical guided missile. It has a medium range and is used on the MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters. X-31A - anti-ship version of the missile, Kh-31P - version of the missile against radar targets. The latest variants are the world's first serial combat aircraft missiles equipped with a combined ramjet engine. Its use allows the rocket to maintain a low altitude flight speed of Mach 2. The missile has enhanced performance to overcome enemy air defense systems and hit radar and sea targets.


Soviet anti-radar missile that replaced the X-28 missile. Adopted in 1978 with an update in 1992. It is aimed at radar stations operating in the pulse mode and in the constant frequency agility mode.


Russian hypersonic missile system. Missiles 9-S-7760 are capable of hitting ground and surface targets. In fact, it is an aviation version of the Iskander complex. The complex was successfully tested in 2017, after which the “Kinzhal” was put on combat duty at the airfields of the Southern Military District. On March 18, 2022, the first combat use of a missile took place during a special military operation in Ukraine. “Kinzhal” hit one of the underground warehouses of missiles and aviation ammunition of the 136th center for providing missiles and ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. On March 19, the complex hit the base for storing fuel and lubricants of the Ukrainian armed forces (military unit A-3476) in the Nikolayev region.


Russian hypersonic anti-ship cruise missile. Developed by JSC "VPK" NPO Mashinostroeniya "from Reutov. It is part of the 3K22 Zircon complex and should replace the P-700 Granit heavy anti-ship missile.


Russian medium-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle of long flight duration. Differs in low weight with high load capacity. Used for reconnaissance and patrolling. The installation of four air-to-ground missiles is envisaged. It was used in Syria to destroy small groups of terrorists in hard-to-reach areas.


Russian high-precision unmanned aerial vehicle. Developed by the Kalashnikov concern. The attack drone is capable of hitting tanks from a height, crashing like a kamikaze into the upper part of the turret and hull, where the armor thickness is minimal. The launch of the complex is hidden, it is easy to handle and is capable of accurately bombing. On March 12, 2022, the Cub-UAV was used for the first time in combat in Kiev.


Russian main battle tank. From 2001 to 2010 the best selling tank in the world. Since April 2020, an upgraded version of the T-90M has been delivered to the Russian army, costing more than $4.5 million apiece. It was used during the first Chechen campaign, the civil war in Syria and the second Karabakh war, during which the Azerbaijani army lost four vehicles. He was involved in the course of a special military operation in Ukraine.


An armored personnel carrier, which is a deep modernization of the BTR-80. Adopted in 2013. Invulnerable to small arms, including machine guns.


Soviet and Russian 152-mm divisional self-propelled howitzer. Developed by the Ural Transport Engineering Plant. The gun is designed to destroy tactical nuclear weapons, artillery and mortars, tanks and other armored vehicles, anti-tank weapons, soldiers, air defense and missile defense systems, command posts. Msta-S is capable of destroying field fortifications and preventing enemy reserves from being brought up from the depths of the defense. The howitzer fires at visible and invisible targets from closed positions and is capable of operating in mountainous conditions. It entered service with the Soviet army in 1989.


Deep modernization of the Mi-8 helicopter. The multi-purpose helicopter made its first flight in 1981. Unlike the Mi-8, more powerful engines were installed on the helicopter, a different main gearbox and tail rotor from the Mi-14, the airframe was strengthened, a new power supply system and an auxiliary power unit were installed, which significantly increased flight performance.


Russian reconnaissance and attack helicopter capable of hitting armored and unarmored vehicles, soldiers and aircraft. It is a development of the Ka-50 "Black Shark" helicopter. It was originally used as an army aviation command vehicle. The tasks of the helicopter included reconnaissance, target designation and control of a group of combat air units. It has a ship-based version of the Ka-52K. The cost of one Ka-52 "Alligator" is 857 million rubles. It was used during a military operation in Syria. In 2022, the Ka-52 was used in Ukraine by the Russian army to destroy armored vehicles and armed formations.


Armored Soviet subsonic attack aircraft. Designed for direct support of ground forces over the battlefield at any time of the day with direct line of sight of the target. Destroys targets at given coordinates in any weather. The first flight was made in 1975. The Su-25 Grach has been in operation since 1981; in 2009, the Russian Ministry of Defense resumed its purchases. It was used during the operation in Syria to destroy terrorist groups. Participated on both sides during the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020. Used by the Russian army during a special military operation in Ukraine in 2022.


Soviet and Russian attack helicopter manufactured by PJSC Rostvertol. Designed to search for and destroy enemy tanks and other armored vehicles under conditions of active fire resistance. Capable of hitting low-speed air targets and soldiers. Suitable for aerobatics, has a maximum roll rate of more than 100 deg/s. Since 2020, Rostvertol has been producing serially upgraded Mi-28NMs. Until 2027, it is planned to supply 98 vehicles to the Russian army. During the special operation of the Russian troops in Ukraine, the Mi-28 “Night Hunter” destroyed the armored vehicles of the armed forces of Ukraine.

What is Ukraine fighting with

The extensive range of Ukrainian weapons presented in the project allows us to conclude that, using the most powerful Soviet heritage and supplies of Western developments, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are one of the most dangerous armies in Europe. Now it is clear why the special military operation of the Russian troops was originally planned as a multi-stage and complex event. The special project clearly demonstrates that none of the parties to the conflict in Ukraine has multiple superiority in forces.


US-made portable anti-tank missile system. Designed to destroy armored vehicles and low-flying targets like unmanned aerial vehicles. Developed over 10 years since 1986. Used during the Iraq War. The cost of supplying the complex with six missiles for the United States and allies is from 600 thousand dollars. Deliveries to Ukraine began in 2018. Until January 2022, 377 launchers and 1200 missiles were sent.


Impact operational-tactical medium-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle manufactured in Turkey. The UAV has four guided projectiles and can stay in the air for a day. You can control the Bayraktar at a distance of up to 150 kilometers. The device is on duty in the air, identifying targets and quickly launching missiles. The weapons are produced by the private company Baykar Makina. It was first used in 2014 against the Kurds. Ukraine has been buying Turkish drones since 2018 from a batch of six drones and three control stations for $69 million. In total, Ukraine received 12 vehicles as of 2021, using Bayraktar for the first time in October against DPR artillery.

"Point U"

Soviet tactical missile system. Developed in Kolomna in the Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. Withdrawn from service with the Russian army in 2019. Ukraine retained 90 launchers and 800 missiles. The complex was used by the Armenian side during the Second Karabakh War.


Soviet tank, put into service in 1973. Developed by Uralvagonzavod in Nizhny Tagil. In Ukraine, these machines were modernized by installing night vision devices, a rear-view camera and mirrors. These vehicles will enter service in 2021. In total, Ukraine had 47 T-72AMTs. The same cars were donated from the Czech Republic.


Soviet main tank. In various modifications was in service with the army of Ukraine. At one time, it competed with the Nizhny Tagil T-72, which was created as a simple and cheaper replacement for the Kharkov machine. The main drawback of its noisy undercarriage is that caterpillars often fly off on rough terrain. The diesel engine consumes a lot of oil, differing only in high power. In the cold season, it requires a long warm-up, and in the summer it boils quickly. T-72 is distinguished by greater engine survivability. The loading mechanism of the T-64 has only one plus in the form of more shells. For the rest. it is an unreliable unit, taking twice as long to load and capable of taking the life of a driver. In general, this is an expensive and controversial tank that did not show anything outstanding even during the civil war in Ukraine.


Ukrainian main battle tank, developed on the basis of the Soviet T-80UD tank. Developed in Kharkov in the design bureau for mechanical engineering named after A.A. Morozov and produced at the plant named after V.A. Malyshev. Until 2018, the Ukrainian army was supposed to receive 100 of these vehicles, but the contract was cancelled. Serial production could not be resumed because Russian components for the tank were not replaced.

BMP-1U "Shkval"

Ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle, which has become a modernized version of the Soviet BMP-1. It was developed in the late nineties by the Artillery Armament design bureau in Kyiv. Delivered to Georgia, Turkmenistan and Chad.

BTR-4 "Bucephalus"

Modern Ukrainian armored personnel carrier. Designed for transportation of personnel of motorized rifle units and their fire support in battle. It can be used as the main vehicle for equipping special rapid reaction forces and marines. The armored personnel carrier can fight in various conditions at any time of the day, even in the conditions of the use of weapons of mass destruction. It has been developed by the Kharkov Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering since 2002. In the first two weeks of a special military operation by Russian troops in Ukraine, eight such vehicles were destroyed with the help of UAVs and high-precision weapons, and another 14 were captured.


Comprehensive modernization of the Soviet BTR-70, produced in Ukraine. The work was carried out by the Nikolaev Mechanical Repair Plant

AT105 "Saxon"

British wheeled armored personnel carrier from the seventies. In 2014, it was decided to send 75 armored vehicles to Ukraine. They were equipped with a reconnaissance complex with a quadrocopter.


Australian ADI armored personnel carrier. It was originally intended to transport soldiers, and not for combat purposes. In 2022, Ukraine received 22 diesel vehicles.

SBA "Varta"

Ukrainian wheeled armored vehicle with enhanced mine protection. It is based on the MAZ-5434 chassis. It was developed by a private company "Ukrainian armored vehicles". The armor was made with Swedish-made ARMOX 560 sheets. The armed forces of Ukraine had 200 such vehicles.


Ukrainian combat vehicles manufactured by NPO Praktika. Manufactured since 2015. The Cossack is based on the chassis of the Iveco Eurocargo 150 E28 truck. In total, the ground forces received 100 of these vehicles, the border guards - 17.


Army SUV made in the USA. It has high cross-country ability, can be transported by air and parachuted. It has a factory and expert name Hammer from the manufacturer AM General. Produced since 1992. In 2015, Ukraine received 30 of these machines.


Military all-wheel drive armored vehicle made in Ukraine. Developed by the Kharkov Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering named after A. A. Morozov. It was produced at the Kharkov Plant of Transport Engineering named after V. A. Malyshev and the Lvov Armored Plant. There were 25 such machines in service. Deliveries were made to Poland and Senegal. One car was bought by the USA.


Multiple launch rocket system of Ukrainian production. It was based on elements of the Soviet Smerch system. The first firing tests took place in 2016. The missile has a range of up to 200 kilometers. The developer of the system was the state Kiev design bureau "Luch".


Multiple launch rocket system of Ukrainian production. It has a warhead from the Soviet Grad multiple launch rocket system. It has been in service since September last year.
