Posted 9 мая 2022,, 06:25

Published 9 мая 2022,, 06:25

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

About 11,000 servicemen and more than 130 pieces of equipment take part in the Victory Parade

9 мая 2022, 06:25
At 10 o'clock in Moscow, the annual Victory Parade will be held on Red Square.

About 11,000 military personnel will walk along the paving stones - parade squads of Suvorov schools, higher military educational institutions, female military personnel, types and branches of the military, as well as other law enforcement agencies and the Cossack army.

After passing the parade boxes, a legendary tank drove through the main square of the country T- 34-85, armored cars "Typhoon", infantry fighting vehicles and tanks T-72B3M, T-90M and T-14 "Armata". The BTR-82A, Tornado-G multiple launch rocket systems, Iskander-M missile systems and Msta-S self-propelled artillery guns also proceeded along the Kremlin wall.

Live broadcast from Red Square

In the parade, the same - complexes and air defense systems "Tor-M2", "Buk-M3" and S-400 , Ural-63704 tractors that carried Uran-9 combat robots. After them, three launchers of Yars missile systems follow along Red Square, and three Boomerang armored personnel carriers close the column.

The air part of the parade was canceled due to the weather , RIA Novosti reports, citing Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. When asked if the air part of the parade in Moscow was really cancelled, Peskov answered in the affirmative.

On the eve of the leading employee of the Phobos weather center Yevgeny Tishkovets warned that the meteorological conditions for the period of the air part of the Victory Parade would be difficult.

As the Ministry of Defense told reporters Russian Federation , a foot column was formed from 33 ceremonial calculations, as part of a mechanized column, 131 units of modern military equipment were involved. 77 planes and helicopters took part in the flight of the parade formation of aviation.

The parade was hosted by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. At 10:15 Moscow time, President Vladimir Putin delivered a congratulatory speech.

The Victory Parade in the Russian capital was attended by 590 veterans of the Great Patriotic War, assisted by social workers.

Medical workers of Moscow polyclinics conducted outpatient monitoring of the health status of veterans before visiting the Parade and after it ended.

To date, over 27 thousand veterans of the Great Patriotic War live in the table, 455 of them are war invalids, 2158 are participants in the war, 22 507 are home front workers. Another 1905 of them are residents of besieged Leningrad and besieged Sevastopol.