Posted 10 мая 2022,, 08:53

Published 10 мая 2022,, 08:53

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Deputy Foreign Minister Grushko ruled out the closure of Russian embassies in Europe in response to new sanctions

10 мая 2022, 08:53
Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Grushko commented on reports about the possible closure of Russian embassies in European countries. According to him, Moscow is not going to initiate the closure of diplomatic missions in unfriendly countries in response to new restrictions.

“This is not in our tradition. Therefore, we believe that the work of diplomatic missions is important”, - Grushko answered a question from journalists about whether Moscow plans to close diplomatic missions in Europe in response to the expansion of sanctions (quoted by RIA Novosti).

“We didn’t start a diplomatic war, a campaign of expulsions”, - added the deputy head of the Russian Foreign Ministry.