Posted 16 мая 2022, 06:49

Published 16 мая 2022, 06:49

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation was not allowed to the conference at the OSCE site

The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation was not allowed to the conference at the OSCE site

16 мая 2022, 06:49
The delegation of the Civic Chamber of Russia was denied participation in an event at the OSCE site on the topic "The functioning of democratic institutions in times of crisis", scheduled for May 16-17 in Vienna.

As reported on the website of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, all applications for accreditation were submitted in accordance with the requirements of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, which is the organizer of this meeting. However, the day before the event, without explaining the reasons, the organizers canceled the registration of the Russian delegation. Public activists were not allowed to attend the meeting, citing a certain decision of the Polish current OSCE chairmanship.

The delegation received a message about the refusal to participate already on the way to Vienna. All questions about the reasons for the decision were ignored. This behavior of the organizers upset the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, they considered it as an attempt to overtly politicize the participation of NGOs from Russia humanitarian activities of the OSCE. Public activists called it a "blatant demarche".

The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation will hold a separate event for the press on this occasion, where the position on the unacceptability of double standards and discrimination in the sphere of civil society will be stated.

It should be noted that earlier the French authorities did not invite the Russian delegation to the traditional celebration of the end of World War II.

It's worth reminding that in April, the head of the OSCE Zbigniew Rau and the Secretary General of the organization Helga Schmid announced the closure of the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine. Before that, the head of the Lugansk People's Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, announced a ban on the activities of the OSCE SMM on his territory.
