Posted 16 мая 2022, 15:10

Published 16 мая 2022, 15:10

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

The smarter - the more sober: the Ministry of Internal Affairs made up a social portrait of a drunk driver

The smarter - the more sober: the Ministry of Internal Affairs made up a social portrait of a drunk driver

16 мая 2022, 15:10
Фото: 1MI
In 2021, drivers aged 30-39 years old with secondary or secondary specialized education, who had previously been brought to administrative responsibility for violating traffic rules, most often got into road accidents while drunk.

- In nine out of ten road accidents involving drivers with signs of intoxication [the wheel was] men. In more than a third of such accidents, the age of the drivers was 30-39 years, TASS reports an information and analytical review of the Scientific Center for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Last year, there were no drunk drivers with a degree. Of those who got into an accident and had previously been deprived of their rights, 40% were drunk. Among those brought to criminal responsibility, the facts of driving with signs of intoxication were established in 43.8% of cases.

About 50% of drivers who had an accident while drunk are unemployed: 21% work in trade and services.

83% of such accidents occur in cars, 13% in motor vehicles, 4% in other categories of vehicles.

It's worth reminding that at the end of April in the Sverdlovsk region, three eighth-graders who were in the car of their teacher, who committed an accident while intoxicated, were injured. Earlier it was reported that in order to prevent drunken accidents, legislators propose to equip cars with alcohol locks: if the driver is drunk, the car will not budge.
