Posted 18 мая 2022,, 13:54

Published 18 мая 2022,, 13:54

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Subsidiary of Google in Russia initiates bankruptcy

Subsidiary of Google in Russia initiates bankruptcy

18 мая 2022, 13:54
Фото: 1MI
According to the materials of the Unified Federal Register of Legally Relevant Information on the Facts of the Activities of Legal Entities (“Fedresurs”), the Russian offshoot of Google intends to apply to the arbitration court for bankruptcy due to the impossibility of fulfilling its obligations.

“Google LLC, represented by CEO David Munro Sneddon <...>, hereby submits a notification of its intention to file for insolvency (bankruptcy) by including a notification in the Unified Federal Register of information on the facts of the activities of legal entities, since from 22 March 2022 foresees its own bankruptcy and the impossibility of fulfilling monetary obligations, claims for the payment of severance pay and (or) remuneration of persons working or working under an employment contract, and (or) the obligation to pay mandatory payments on time, ”the statement says. posted today on Fedresurs .

Until March 19, Google had to pay a turnover fine of more than 7.2 billion rubles on the claims of Roskomnadzor due to the systematic failure to remove content prohibited in the Russian Federation. The fine was not paid, in connection with which, on May 1, the bailiffs brought a case against the company for the forced recovery of funds.

A Google representative, in an interview with RBC, explained that due to the arrest of a bank account, the Russian division of the company cannot ensure the work of the office.

“Some time ago, Google suspended the vast majority of commercial operations in Russia. The arrest of the Google Russia bank account made it impossible for the functioning of our Russian office, including the retention of employees and wages in Russia, the payment of suppliers and contractors, as well as the fulfillment of other financial obligations, ”said the agency’s interlocutor.

According to him, the company does not plan to block access to free Google services for Russian users.

“We know that people in Russia rely on our services to access quality information, and we will continue to provide free services such as Search, YouTube, Gmail, Maps, Android and Play to our users,” he said.