Posted 24 мая 2022,, 07:09

Published 24 мая 2022,, 07:09

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Buyers named products which quality has deteriorated

Buyers named products which quality has deteriorated

24 мая 2022, 07:09
Фото: 1MI
The Russians noted the deterioration in the quality of sausages, canned food, dairy products, the Center for the Study of Consumer Behavior (CIPP) of Roskachestvo reported together with the Analytical Center of NAFI.

According to RBC, referring to the results of the Center's survey, 33% of respondents reported a decrease in the quality of sausages, 25% are dissatisfied with the quality of canned food, 21% noted that the quality of dairy products has become noticeably worse.

20% believe that the same thing happened with vegetables, 19% each spoke about the reduced quality of coffee, confectionery and alcohol. The same number indicated that now the quality of fruits, bread and bakery products is inferior to what it was before.

28% of the study participants supported the thesis about the change in the quality of food products in the country. 72% saw no change. From the first category, 16% noted an improvement in the quality of fruit, 14% said that the bread has become better. 13% believe that better quality vegetables are sold in the regions, 12% said the same about confectionery.

It became known yesterday that 77% of respondents have noticed over the past month an increase in prices for basic foodstuffs, goods and services at a faster pace than before. More than half of Russians are confident that prices will continue to rise. Moreover, every fifth believes that even at a faster pace than now.