Posted 24 мая 2022,, 07:35

Published 24 мая 2022,, 07:35

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Consequences of a cosmic catastrophe - Mars is littered with petrified heads!

24 мая 2022, 07:35
The photographs taken by the Perseverance rover clearly show objects that resemble the fossils of living organisms.

Andrey Zlobin, Ph.D., mathematician, expert of the Center for Planetary Defense

You can doubt as much as you like and not believe your own eyes, but sooner or later the moment of truth comes. For those who are closely following developments, the behavior of the Perseverance rover raises more and more questions. Of course, it has its own complex research program, including interaction with the first Martian helicopter, but we must not forget that the main task of this apparatus is to search for traces of life on

Mars. And here the meticulous observer begins to be tormented by vague doubts. Too suspicious is the zealousness with which the rover ignores the bright facts, as soon as they appear in the camera lens. The photographs taken by the rover are the most important source of information. These photographs reveal many objects that resemble the fossils of living organisms. But instead of carefully studying and documenting these findings, the rover, as if frightened by unusual artifacts, starts running away from them. The rover takes samples of matter from anywhere, but not from those artifacts that most of all resemble the fossils of living beings ...

Let's look at the images taken by the Perseverance rover on April 17 and 22, 2021. You can, of course, try to attribute these amazing photos to the play of light and shadow. But the objects in the photographs are painfully reminiscent of the fossils of living beings. The head, eye sockets, closed mouth in the form of a thin gap separating the upper and lower jaws are clearly visible ... In the photo of April 17, you can see the head of a primate, while in the photo of April 22, the head of some amphibian is guessed. Note that for many photographs from Mars, stones are very characteristic, as if consisting of two halves. Maybe these are dilapidated fossils of bivalve shells of huge mollusks? This will not be unusual, as the rover is studying the lake impact crater with an ancient river delta. Where once there was water, it is quite logical to expect fossils of living objects.

It may be objected to me that the fossils of large living creatures are almost always a skeleton. Let us recall the finds of dinosaurs on Earth and their skeletons in paleontological museums. In photographs from Mars, we see something else - rather than skulls, but heads, petrified along with tissues. In fact, there is nothing unusual about this. According to all the latest research, the planet Mars in ancient times experienced a monstrous cosmic catastrophe caused by a collision with an asteroid or a comet. As a result, Mars completely lost its atmosphere for a long period and instantly "froze". The conclusion follows that all life on the planet, having died, could no longer be subjected to decomposition. An atmosphere is necessary for tissue decomposition. Consequently, both skeletons and living tissues were subjected to further mineralization at the same time. This explains the fact that none of the fossils of Mars, dilapidated by time, resemble skeletal forms. On the contrary, even after millions of years, many Martian fossils continue to look like monoliths.

Last year, I already wrote about two more artifacts that I found in the photographs of the Perseverance camera. These are fossils that look like the head and jaw of two dinosaurs. Moreover, judging by their shape and number of teeth, we are talking about the same type of dinosaurs (!). Look at the reconstructions I made and you will see for yourself the amazing similarity of these fossils precisely because of the similar teeth. The tooth comb is too regular and recognizable to be an accident. But most of all, the number of teeth is amazing - it corresponds well to that of a person. By tentatively naming the supposed Martian creature "dinosaurus ape", I wanted to draw attention to a possible intermediate link in evolution between dinosaurs and primates.

Facts are stubborn things. You can doubt as much as you like and not believe your own eyes, but sooner or later the moment of truth comes. The number of artifacts discovered on Mars is growing rapidly. In fact, a new science has already been born - space paleontology. If someone else needs to prove that a large space is inhabited, then the author of these lines is clear as day. While working as a senior researcher at the State Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, I had to see a lot of fossils. Some artifacts on Mars are very convincing, and I can't help noticing this. Now we need to start serious research on Martian finds. These studies are important not only from the point of view of ancient life on a neighboring planet, but also from the standpoint of cosmic catastrophes. If we don't want the Earth to look littered with petrified heads in the future, we need to immediately turn our eyes to the asteroid danger. A deadly killer asteroid can emerge from the depths of space at any moment, and spells about the low probability of such an event will get stuck in the throats of optimists. Dead Mars should not be a prototype of a dead Earth. Humanity should not carelessly wait for the X hour, when all the values of the world, including trillions of dollars and mountains of gold, will instantly turn into nothing. Once again, carefully look at the photos and draw the right conclusions for yourself.

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