Posted 2 июня 2022, 13:59

Published 2 июня 2022, 13:59

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Question of the Day from Alexander Gorny: why only scandals are connected with Crimea?

2 июня 2022, 13:59
In recent years, there has been practically no positive information about this peninsula in the media and social networks.

The well-known Crimean journalist Alexander Gorny sums up another scandal that has erupted around this peninsula, writes in his blog:

“The story of the Crimean beauty contest in 2022 blew up social networks and not only in Crimea. The winner of the contest, Olga Valeeva (pictured), with her unusual appearance and war paint tattoo, made a bid for victory in the next contest “I don’t care about anything”.

I will not discuss the appearance of the girl, this is her personal business, but that's what surprised me in this story.

Everyone has different standards of beauty, there are no comrades for the taste and color, but for many, the image of Miss Beauty does not fit with silicone and tattoos. What an example is given to young and weak-minded young divas, who may consider that the image of Olga is the ideal of modern beauty.

There is an assumption that someone was good for her, which is not at all surprising, but alas, Crimea again fell into a scandal that went far beyond the borders of not only Crimea, but also Russia. Alas, in recent years we have heard practically nothing good and positive about the peninsula, Crimea is famous for its graters and scandals. Many may object to me and say that it is scandals that increase views and they will be right. But that's why the Crimea can not thunder to the whole world with something positive? Why can't they launch powerful positive newsbreaks in Crimea, and even on the eve of a difficult tourist season? I had and still have one answer to this question - those who are responsible for information policy in Crimea are simply poorly educated and narrow-minded people. They are not able to generate high-quality ideas and implement them.

By the way, where is the logo of the Crimea, which has been made for eight years? It does not exist, but it is very important for the promotion of tourist Crimea. But we now have a new Miss Beauty Crimea 2022 with a very incomprehensible past, an ambiguous image in the present and losses in the future.

A few years ago in Saki in the hospital. Burdenko held a beauty contest among girls, whose fate was very difficult and many were confined to a wheelchair. But despite the tragedy, they were beautiful in their dresses, they were as feminine and modest as possible. The winner was Yulia Mikhailova from Donetsk, who in 2015 was riding in a trolleybus and came under rocket fire from nationalists. She survived, lost her arm and leg, but thanks to the help of Oleg Tsarev, she was able to save her life. She rehabilitated for a long time, it was very difficult, but thanks to her friends she was able to return to life and move on. I deliberately do not post her photo from that competition, I will do it a little later, but what has now happened with the results of this competition is very bad and wrong. Did the organizers of the competition understand this and who was on the jury there? But I have one question, or rather two - brought it in ?, and if so, how much?"
