Posted 6 июня 2022, 08:51

Published 6 июня 2022, 08:51

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Fraud instead of apartments and the stadium: the new residential complex gave rise to new deceived equity holders

6 июня 2022, 08:51
In the north of the capital, on the land intended for a sports complex, for several years now there have been uninhabitable houses built instead of a stadium, in which about a thousand equity holders have invested their money.

Novye Izvestia found out what kind of ghost houses are being erected on Birch Alley and what kind of ghost is preventing settlement.

Irina Mishina

An apartment in the Moscow residential complex "Legendary Quarter", at first glance, is just a dream. View of the Botanical Garden, VDNH, Sviblovo Park. Just a green island in the middle of the city. Near metro, shops. But long-built houses have been inaccessible for several years for almost a thousand people who have invested in shared construction. And the sports complex that was supposed to be built here has become a virtual reality. It seems that the apartments in this residential complex are also turning into something unreal. There are a lot of mysteries in this story.

Human tragedy instead of housewarming

…When you drive up to the residential complex “Legendary Quarter”, a tempting view opens up from afar. Beautiful, already built premium houses surrounded by greenery. But when you get closer, it becomes obvious that the impression is deceptive. There are no access roads to the built houses, in front of them there is open ground, almost a foundation pit. Shareholders who continue to pay mortgages have not yet been able to see their apartments. In the Unified Information System for Housing Construction, the status of the residential complex "Legendary Quarter" for today is "under construction".

“When I signed the contract, they painted all the charms of this residential complex for me. Panoramic view from the window to the park and VDNKh, proximity to the metro, walking distance to shops - all this made the apartment in this area attractive. In addition, we were assured that soon a giant sports complex with a swimming pool and the ice palace of Tatiana Navka would be built right in this residential complex or very close by. Tempting, right? I invested in May-June 2021 in a studio apartment in this complex. Got a mortgage. They promised to move in no later than October 2021, but we still cannot move into this house, because there is no permission to move in, we are not given the keys. The entrance is not ready, there is only concrete and beams sticking out, there is no permanent water supply, common areas are not ready”, - says shareholder Grigory Prokhorov.

There are about a thousand people like Gregory. The residential complex has been under construction since 2015, at the same time the first equity participation agreements were concluded. Many, such as Yuliya Gorina, managed to lose family members who dreamed of moving into this quarter in order to spend the rest of their days in comfortable conditions.

“Mom never waited for the house to be handed over, she was a shareholder and left for another world in February, not having lived to hand over the keys”, - says Yulia


Another shareholder, Elena, complains: “We bought apartments in this residential complex in 2016 for our daughter, who at that time was 17 years old. She still lives with us in a small apartment and cannot start her own family.” Among the equity holders there is even one patient in the terminal stage: the years of the battle for an apartment have crippled her health... In general, one can already write a book about the human tragedies of the equity holders of the "Legendary Quarter".

There was a site for a stadium, there was a site for long-term construction

On the sales website of the Residential Complex “Legendary Quarter” it says: “MORTAGE 6.5% FOR THE WHOLE TERM OF LENDING. Houses are built! CHOOSE FROM 7 MILLION R".

Apparently, the fact that the frames of the houses are ready and give the impression of having already been built, especially from afar, is a weighty argument for those who sell apartments in the Legendary Quarter residential complex. We called the sales department, and the manager Svetlana gave the following explanation:

“By the end of the year, the houses will be commissioned. Yes, indeed, commissioning was scheduled for 2018. There were difficulties, delays in commissioning, but an investor represented by MKB-Bank joined in, after which construction work resumed in 2020. Now laying the decoration of common areas. The deadline is the end of this year. Buildings 3 and 4 are ready, they have passed the examination. Until the end of June, these corps will be introduced. Until June 30, the sewerage and water supply must also be connected. Heating was done in winter, it remains to be connected to the city”.

We asked why such a protracted scheme with the commissioning of the house. In addition, there is practically no information about the developer - D-invest LLC in the public domain.

“Yes, this is our only facility; before that, D-Invest had never built anything. The fact is that initially the Dynamo club received a land plot for the stadium ... No, the stadium will also be built, but later, by 2024. There will be a pool with several lanes, a sports complex in the 6th building should also be, ”the sales office told us.

This, you see, is a new twist. So, LCD on the site of the stadium?

There are no guilty. Money too

In official documents, the Legendary Quarter multifunctional complex is called the Dynamo Water Sports Center. Is it a coincidence? Probably not. Analyzing the documents, you begin to understand that it was a well-thought-out move by an unscrupulous developer. In both cases, building permits were obtained for the construction of future sports facilities. But the builder never started building them.

The history of the multifunctional complex "Water Sports Center "Dinamo" dates back to 2015, when the construction of the Residential Complex "Legendary Quarter on Berezovaya Alley" from the developer LLC "D-Invest" began. As part of the 1st and 2nd stages of construction, it was planned to create 5 blocks of 18-storey buildings with apartment-type apartments, underground parking for 960 cars. An important component of the project was the construction of a social infrastructure facility - a sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool. The area of the center was supposed to be an impressive 30 thousand square meters. m.: 50-meter swimming pool; separate pool for activities with children; spectator stands for more than 500 seats; hall of "dry" swimming for education and training; a universal sports arena for basketball, volleyball, handball, rhythmic gymnastics, etc. All this, of course, would make the facility unique in terms of sports infrastructure and very attractive to equity holders. In fact, many people bought into it.

At the sales office, the managers said that the "Legendary Quarter" was the developer's first experience. But it is not so. It is noteworthy that in 2018 the former co-founders of the developer D-Invest LLC - citizens Dunaev Alexey Alexandrovich and Sharov Arseniy Vladimirovich, together with the former general director of the developer Rumyantsev Sergey Alexandrovich participated in the construction of another multifunctional complex - "River Residences" in Serebryany Bor. In the official documents of the IFC, River Residences is called the Moscow Rowing Base Dynamo. But when the object was handed over, there was no Dynamo rowing base in the complex. Everything turned into one continuous "dynamo". This "dynamo" continued in the "Legendary Quarter of Moscow.

And now the facts. First of all, in the catalog of new buildings, D-invest LLC on Berezovaya Alley appears as “under construction”, but not completed at all. And at the same time, the sales office, represented by manager Svetlana, continues to persistently offer to buy apartments in these houses, assuring that “everything will be in order soon, settling in in the summer”.

“It’s not ready in this residential complex, which cheerfully sells apartments left and right, there is a lot: the entire adjacent territory, similar to a foundation pit, passage to the territory of the residential complex, entrances of absolutely all buildings, common areas, parking. Mosvodokanal has not completed the connection of communications, cold water supply, and sewerage have not been connected. Buildings 3 and 4 were not allocated to a separate stage of construction, the developer did not make any changes to the building permit , ”explains shareholder Grigory Prokhorov.

Based on this, Mosgorstroynadzor cannot issue an AIA act ( a conclusion on the compliance of the constructed building with the standards, that it does not pose a threat to the life and health of residents - ed. note ). Not received and RNV - a conclusion on the completed construction. And how can it be completed in the next month, if at the construction site instead of the 500 workers declared by the developer, according to the estimates of equity holders, a maximum of 50 workers are involved?

In addition, according to equity holders, today there is such a cunning sales scheme that it is simply impossible to ask someone.

“The apartments are sold through an investor affiliated with the developer - Kapital-Invest LLC. Part of the premises went to "their" IP with payment under the contract with promissory notes. This form of payment was chosen to evade the payment of a penalty due to equity holders and to evade taxes. At the moment, the sale of premises from the "developer" is carried out exclusively under contracts for the assignment of rights of claim from LLC "Capital-Invest" and from other legal entities and individuals related to the developer. Thus, the funds do not go to the current account of the developer. The result of such a scheme is the absence of direct demand from the developer", - shared shareholder Andrey Andreyev told NI.

Laws are written not for developers?

In this story, 2 main eternal questions remain: what to do and who is to blame. The equity holders, having started their own investigation, found an approximate answer to the last question.

“Partially the project is financed by the bank MKB. No one knows what conditions of financing and what documents on this account exist. But we managed to find out that the new investor is the Capital Invest company from St. Petersburg, which was created specifically for this project. Behind this company is a group of individuals from St. Petersburg. The top person and the beneficiary are kept secret”, - commented Andrey Andreyev, a shareholder who works in the construction complex.

What to do next, no one knows. Moskomstroyinvest, in its florid answer, refers to FZ-214, which states: if the developer attracts funds from participants in shared construction, he is obliged to provide free access to the information provided for by this Federal Law. Also, according to the law on shared construction, the developer is obliged to provide the object to the participant in shared construction no later than the period specified in the contract. For violation of this, payment of a penalty (penalty) is provided. But all the deadlines for the delivery of housing have passed, there is no information, the penalty has not been paid. They promised to compensate equity holders with parking spaces, but they never did. Why the supervisory authority refers the deceived equity holders to the law, and not the developer who violates this law, is a separate interesting question.

In fact, today the interests of equity holders are protected only by the Ostankino Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office, which twice went to check this mysterious construction site and, as a result, issued a warning to the developer about violation of the rights of shared construction. After that, D-invest promised to commission at least the 3rd and 4th buildings in March. But this promise was postponed to the end of June.

“The meeting with the developer in the inter-district prosecutor's office will be at the end of July. Based on its results, we plan to appeal to the city prosecutor's office. We will also request Mosgosstroynadzor on the availability of documents on the allocation of buildings 3 and 4 to a separate stage of construction, the readiness of the buildings and on the elimination of the remarks of Stroynadzor”, - shareholder Andrey Andreyev told us.

However, when federal laws do not work, you can only hope for a miracle.
