Posted 6 июня 2022,, 07:15

Published 6 июня 2022,, 07:15

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

US Ambassador to Russia Sullivan did not rule out the closure of diplomatic missions in Moscow and Washington

6 июня 2022, 07:15
United States Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan (pictured) allowed the mutual closure of the US and Russian embassies in Washington and Moscow, which, in his opinion, would be a "big mistake".

"They can (close embassies - ed.), there is such a possibility. Although I think that it would be a big mistake", - Sullivan said in an interview with TASS.

He also stressed that the American side does not want to take this step, and there is hardly anyone in the White House who would like to stop the work of diplomatic missions. The only reason the US would be forced to close the embassy in Russia is if it "would be unsafe to keep it open".

Sullivan considers the preservation of diplomatic missions to be part of the minimum necessary to maintain bilateral contacts. He excludes a complete severance of ties between Moscow and Washington, since representatives of both countries regularly meet in the UN Security Council, sitting next to each other.

Note that, according to the annual "Democracy Index" of the Alliance for Democracies Foundation, 62% of Americans are in favor of a complete severing of ties with Russia. More than others, the Poles want to break off relations with the Russian Federation - 87% of them.