Posted 7 июня 2022,, 07:32

Published 7 июня 2022,, 07:32

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Vector denies the emergence of a more contagious variant of monkeypox

Vector denies the emergence of a more contagious variant of monkeypox

7 июня 2022, 07:32
To date, the prerequisites for the formation of a more contagious variant of the monkeypox virus are not visible, the State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology Vector of Rospotrebnadzor said.

"In general, the monkeypox virus is highly stable. To date, the prerequisites for the formation of a more contagious variant of the virus are not visible", - the report says.

Smallpox cases are occurring in parts of Africa dominated by rainforests. According to scientists, this virus has changed significantly in recent years. Monkeypox, experts point out, has a low transmissibility, but cases of transmission of the virus from person to person through sexual contact are recorded.

According to Vector experts, in most cases, monkeypox is a self-limiting disease. His symptoms resolve within two to four weeks. At the same time, a more serious course of the disease is observed, as a rule, in people with immunodeficiency. Severe cases occur in children - this is due to the duration of exposure to the virus, the state of health and the nature of complications.

As of June 5, the World Health Organization announced 780 cases of monkeypox, the disease was detected in 27 countries that are not endemic for this disease. On June 2, the head of the technical group of the WHO Emergency Diseases Division spoke of 643-650 cases of monkeypox infection that have been detected in 26 countries. At the end of May, the first death of a patient diagnosed with the disease was confirmed in Nigeria.

In Russia today there are no confirmed cases of infection with this type of smallpox.