Posted 13 июня 2022,, 10:14

Published 13 июня 2022,, 10:14

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Lithuania announced the purchase of Estonian drones for Ukraine

Lithuania announced the purchase of Estonian drones for Ukraine

13 июня 2022, 10:14
Lithuania bought six Estonian-made Magyla reconnaissance drones for Ukraine. Of these, four will be sent to Kiev now, and two more - two months later. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are now learning how to handle these weapons.

Andrius Tapinas, the head of Laisves TV, which raised money for Bayraktar TB2 in May, clarified that we are talking about EOS C-VTOL drones, they are powered by electricity, “leave a minimal thermal footprint, take off and land where they want, adjust the target with a laser and bring artillery storm in its entirety. Manufacturers should add an antenna to the devices, "misleading the enemy", masking takeoff and landing. The cost of the transaction is estimated at 990 thousand euros.

It's worth reminding that ex-head of the Polish Foreign Ministry Radoslav Sikorsky said that Western countries can provide Kiev with nuclear weapons to protect their independence on the basis of the provisions of the Budapest Memorandum.