Posted 14 июня 2022,, 13:54

Published 14 июня 2022,, 13:54

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Europe's fastest supercomputer LUMI created in Finland

14 июня 2022, 13:54
On June 13, the LUMI supercomputer, which will be the fastest in Europe, will be launched in the city of Kajaani in Finland. It will be available to users from September.

According to the European Commission, the expected peak power of this supercomputer will be 550 petaflops, or 550 million billion calculations per second.

The ultra-high-speed machine was developed by the European Joint Venture for High-Performance Computing (EuroHPC). Specialists from Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Estonia took part in its creation.

“LUMI is the fastest and most energy-efficient supercomputer in Europe, it has taken the third position in the world in terms of computing speed”, - Interfax quotes a statement from the European Commission.

The researchers believe that the use of a super-efficient machine will lead to breakthroughs in medicine, as well as in basic research in the field of climate change and in a number of other areas.

At the end of last year, the Chervonenkis supercomputer, created by the Russian company Yandex, entered the list of the 20 most powerful supercomputers in the world. He took 19th place.

Yandex's closest domestic competitors, Christofari and Christofari Neo from Sberbank, which used to be leaders in performance among Russian cars, are now ranked 43rd and 72nd in the ranking.

The top lines of the hit parade of the most powerful computer equipment are occupied by computers from Japan, the USA, China, Germany and Italy.

"Chervonenkis" has a performance of 21.53 petaflops. In June 2021, the first place in the TOP500 was taken by the Japanese Fugaku supercomputer with a capacity of 415.5 petaflops, and Christofari from Sber became the most powerful Russian production system, it was on the 61st line.

TOP500, which is updated twice a year in November and June, is considered the most authoritative list of supercomputers.

The first supercomputers were mainly engaged in defense computing related to atomic and thermonuclear weapons. But now they are entrusted with large-scale numerical modeling tasks for the needs of various branches of science, including medicine.