Posted 16 июня 2022,, 09:15

Published 16 июня 2022,, 09:15

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Brighter than a thousand suns! Apparently, the world has already survived a nuclear war once

16 июня 2022, 09:15
Excavations of the ancient Indian city of Mohenjo-Daro indicate that it was destroyed as a result of an air nuclear explosion.

Vladimir Marchenko, cultologist, candidate of philosophical sciences

There has been a lot of talk lately about nuclear war. Politicians talk willingly about tactical nuclear weapons, while propagandists talk about strategic ones, threatening to turn enemies into nuclear ashes. At the highest political level, they swear that there will be no world nuclear war, but the more often this mantra is repeated, the more doubts arise about its truth. Especially against the backdrop of increasingly common arguments about the unscientific and unproven idea of a nuclear winter, the possibility of victory in a limited nuclear war, and even about the safety for civilization of a large nuclear war using a strategic arsenal.

A serious popular science publication recently published an entire article in which nuclear weapons are described, in the words of Mao Zedong, as a "paper tiger" that is not at all dangerous, it is enough to climb into the basement. And after the explosion, after a few minutes you can go out and do your own business - there will be nothing dangerous; Here, a certain resident of Hiroshima was in the basement right at the epicenter during the explosion, and then went out and returned home on his own feet - and lived to be 87 years old. And even light radiation, it turns out, does not act instantly - you can have time to fall to the ground, and nothing will happen to you. Moreover, the atmosphere, scattering, dust... And the theory of "nuclear winter" has long been rejected by the scientific community as unscientific. Although some pseudoscientists still adhere to it. And in general, even in a full-scale war using all nuclear arsenals, only the population of large cities will suffer a little, and the rest of humanity will not notice a nuclear war ...

Nuclear winter is not a fantasy

These merry conversations are very dangerous. The general decline in the intellectual level of mankind suggests that the authors really do not understand what they are writing about. But even worse, if the authors worked out the order. That way, you can inadvertently open the Overton window, and when the nuclear apocalypse bursts into it, it will be too late to argue. Yes, and no one. Naive and stupid creatures hoping to win a nuclear war and build a new world on the ruins of a destroyed one do not know or do not want to know that this experiment has already taken place on Earth, and it ended in a civilizational catastrophe of such a scale that we do not have artifacts preserved from the previous civilization. able to even identify, and information about the great war has turned into a myth incomprehensible to us, the deciphering of which, if it is possible at all, is a matter of the future. Science is neither morally nor functionally not only not ready to answer the question - what, why and when it happened, but is even afraid to ask the question - was it? And when faced with the incomprehensible, he hurriedly mutters: “This is a myth, this is only a myth, these are all the fantasies of the ancients!”

But the myth is not taken from pure fantasy, such a fantasy is generally impossible. "Pure fantasy" is a myth of historians. A person cannot think of anything that he would not see. He can only combine the head of a snake, the legs of a crocodile, and the wings of a bird to create the image of a dragon. Or see in lightning the image of Perun-Zeus rushing on a fiery chariot. But snakes, and birds, and crocodiles, and lightning exist, as well as bearded people, in the image of which Zeus or Perun are depicted. What we call a myth is, for an ancient man, a concrete story. He described events in the way that he could depict at the current level of development of the language, in which there were no scientific concepts yet, because there was no science; there were no concepts describing complex technical devices and their applications, because people did not know how to make them.

And every nation with a developed mythology has myths about the war of the gods. Sometimes they are brought to the level of a beautiful everyday story, like the Greeks, where the facts are drowned in the poetics of myth; but sometimes a myth is almost a documentary story, like the Sumerians or the Indians. While the information connectivity of the world was not great, and some book with revolutionary scientific data published in India could never reach the scientific centers of Europe, and European studies were not available in America and Asia, individual facts did not form a single whole and were quietly ignored. like fantasies, coincidences or mistakes. In addition, before the advent of the atomic bomb, it was impossible to evaluate the information that has come down to us about "a weapon that contains the energy of the entire universe." A sudden contact between science and myth occurred on July 16, 1945, at the Alamogordo test site, when the world's first nuclear bomb exploded. Her "father", the physicist Robert Oppenheimer, who was interested in the Indian epic at his leisure, did not find a more accurate description of the explosion that shocked him, like a quote from the Mahabharata:

“In all their splendor, columns of red-hot smoke rose and flames brighter than a thousand suns…”

In the entire history of mankind, not a single line has been found in any scientific, artistic, sacred book that could describe what Oppenheimer saw. But in the "Mahabharata" - found.

Our outstanding ethnographer Svetlana Zharnikova in her book “Trace of Vedic Russia” compared two descriptions of the use of a certain weapon.


“Hearing the same hiss, the advisers fled! And struck with great sorrow, they saw a wondrous serpent rushing through the air, leaving a lotus-colored stripe in the sky. Then they left the palace in fear, engulfed in fire, born from the venom of the snake, and fled in all directions. And he collapsed, as if struck by lightning.


“And such a picture played out in the sky, as if two snakes were approaching each other, spreading huge silver-scaly tails behind them. When the snakes clashed foreheads, the faster one flew further, while the second one's head fell off the tail and began to fall, doused with flames, falling apart into smoking and burning pieces. Where the largest piece fell, a fire flashed, an explosion roared, and a dirty brown cloud shot up above the ground, gradually acquiring the shape of a huge mushroom that grew over the steppe.

These two descriptions are separated by thousands of years. The first passage is from the Mahabharata. But the second one is from the memoirs of the general designer of anti-missile systems, lieutenant general, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences G.V. Kisunko about the first test of domestic missiles to destroy moving targets (in this case, the TU-4 bomber) in April 1953 ...

But first - about the "nuclear winter". The idea that as a result of a large-scale nuclear war there will be a disastrous change in the planet's climate as a result of the release of a huge amount of combustion products into the atmosphere due to fires of unprecedented power caused by nuclear explosions, was put forward in the early 80s independently by the American astrophysicist Carl Sagan and Soviet geophysicist Georgy Golitsyn. It was a time when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan with a “limited contingent” of troops (which is now recognized as an amazingly large stupid mistake both in the West and in Russia), was subject to sanctions, and in the United States the Republican government of one of the most successful American Presidents Ronald Reagan. The danger of a nuclear war, after a long mutual fright from the Caribbean crisis, has sharply increased again.

The Golitsyn-Sagan idea was only a hypothesis. In addition, at that time, the influence of volcanic eruptions on the Earth's climate - "volcanic winter" - was not yet precisely established. The now almost generally accepted theory of the death of dinosaurs as a result of the “asteroid winter” from the impact of a space stone with a diameter of 10-15 kilometers on the Earth was also only an exotic hypothesis. Therefore, the scientific community reacted to the Golitsyn-Sagan idea with great doubt. However, at that time, mathematical models of the atmosphere and climate had already been developed in the USA and the USSR, and under the guidance of Academician Nikita Moiseev, a quantitative calculation was carried out that confirmed the Golitsyn-Sagan hypothesis. The results of even a limited nuclear war, according to this calculation, looked so catastrophic for the entire planet that the Americans did not believe it and carried out the calculation on their own models. The result was the same, with minor deviations. After that, the nuclear winter hypothesis was accepted by the scientific community, entered the public consciousness and became one of the important factors in the next détente in international relations and perestroika in the USSR.

According to modern calculations, even a limited nuclear war using only 0.3% of the existing nuclear arsenal will lead to a cooling similar to the Little Ice Age of the XIV-XIX centuries - this is when Christmas was celebrated on the Thames ice, ice skating in Holland, and small the rivers in France froze to the bottom and did not thaw in the summer.

And if India and Pakistan exchanged nuclear strikes with a total yield of 750 kilotons, then the mass of emissions into the atmosphere of combustion products would leave 6.6 million tons, which would lead to approximately the same effect as the Tambora volcano eruption in April 1815. Humanity felt this eruption very well on itself, although at that time it had no idea what it was about. The next year, 1816, went down in history as a year without a summer. In March, spring did not come to Europe, the temperature remained winter. Germany was tormented by strong storms, rivers overflowed their banks and flooded the fields. In Switzerland, it snowed every month, even in summer. In America, in June and July, frosts ruined the harvest. By the spring of next year, grain prices had risen 10 times, and famine began in Europe. A more distant consequence was the first cholera pandemic in history, which claimed millions of lives.

Well, if Russia and the United States used about a third of their nuclear arsenals, then the climate would become colder than it was in the Pleistocene during the ice ages - this is when up to 30% of the land was covered with glaciers; the places where Moscow and St. Petersburg are now located were hidden under ice up to 3 km thick. And all this joy is for at least 10 years. The glacier, of course, would not have had time to form, but it would be possible to say goodbye to the earthly civilization for several thousand years at least.

The extreme instability of our civilization is especially noticeable now, when insignificant, in a few percent, changes in energy supplies and even just changes in supply chains lead to a global economic crisis. What can we say about nuclear winter. Any reasoning that it can be somehow experienced is tantamount to hoping to somehow survive death and never die.

Could there ever have been on Earth, apart from volcanic and asteroidal winters, an artificial, nuclear winter that destroyed the previous civilization?

Until the moment when Robert Oppenheimer remembered the lines from the Mahabharata, seeing the work of his own hands, this question could not even be asked. But Hiroshima and Nagasaki put him on edge. It remains to find evidence, and they appeared.

First casualty of a nuclear war

The city of Mohenjo-Daro (modern name meaning "hill of the dead"; what the city was actually called, we do not know, the writing of the Harappan civilization has not been deciphered) was discovered in 1911. And from the very beginning, the excavations baffled archaeologists. The city was clearly destroyed, but in an extremely strange way: it certainly could not have been an earthquake, or a flood, or an invasion of enemies. The greatest destruction was in the city center, and the periphery and the wall surrounding the city suffered much less. Skeletons lay on the streets, but, firstly, there were too few of them, and secondly, they lay right on the streets in strange poses, speaking of a sudden death that caught them at the moment of some peaceful activities. When the city is taken by storm by enemies, this does not happen. At the same time, no traces of weapons were found - not even some kind of arrowhead, always found in abundance in the cities taken by storm, and that was not found. They did not find any swords, or shields, or armor. But tektites were found - pieces of glass from sand fused at a temperature of one and a half thousand degrees and above. Tektites can occur when a meteorite falls, but the walls of houses facing the city center were also melted, which did not fit into any gates at all. At the same time, the city was never restored after a mysterious catastrophe; no one has ever lived in it again. And this was also extremely strange, because even after terrible wars and destruction, people tend to return to their homes and rebuild it more beautifully than it was. The fortress in Asia Minor, which Schliemann took for Troy, was rebuilt nine times after the defeat, and this is a common picture for ancient cities. More than once, Moscow was destroyed, burned and abandoned by the inhabitants, but where it stood, it stands there, and Kazan too.

There was no way to understand the meaning of what was found then, in 1911. Only connoisseurs of the Indian epic, perhaps, remembered the lines from the Mahabharata: “Gurkha, flying on his fast and powerful vimana, threw the only projectile charged with all the power of the Universe on the three cities of Vrishis and Andhaks. A red-hot column of smoke and fire, bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. It was a weapon unknown to anyone, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death that reduced the entire race of Vrishis and Andhakas to ashes. Their bodies were badly burned. Their hair and nails fell out, their pottery cracked for no apparent reason, and all the birds in the area turned white feathers. A few hours later, all the food turned out to be poisoned ... Fleeing from this fire, the soldiers rushed into the river to wash themselves and their equipment ... "

But historians were not interested in myths.

It was only in 1979 that quite academic, mainstream archaeologists, the Englishman Davenport and the Italian Vincenti, having dug into the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, could not withstand the pressure of facts and formulated an obvious, but extremely unpleasant for official history, hypothesis: Mohenjo-Daro was destroyed by a nuclear explosion. She explained at once all the incomprehensible phenomena.

Tektites are the most characteristic evidence of a nuclear explosion. Already after the first test in Alamagordo, it was found that the sand at the epicenter of the explosion turned into green glass - exactly the same as that found in Mohenjo-Daro. The walls of houses melted towards the city center are also the result of light radiation. As well as destruction, maximum at the epicenter of the explosion and weakening as you move away from it. And the poses of the skeletons are no different from the poses of the dead in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - in the last moments of their lives, people, falling to the ground, instinctively defended themselves with their hands from the sizzling light that flashed in the sky. In the ruins, a round funnel with a diameter of about 200 m is clearly visible - the epicenter of an air explosion.

But with the radioactive background there are oddities. For some reason, there is no reliable data on its measurements, although it would be simpler. Information about skeletons, the radioactivity of which is tens of times higher than the background level, is also not confirmed. Yes, for several thousand years, such a level of radiation could not be preserved. There is evidence that Soviet physicists dealt with this problem, but the results are classified. If this is so, then, therefore, in the USSR, the death of Mohenjo-Daro was clearly perceived as the result of a nuclear explosion, and such studies were classified automatically.

Why were there so few victims in a city with a population of 30-40 thousand people? Davenport found in ancient texts a mention that the inhabitants of a certain city were warned about the use of the weapons of the gods against them, they were given time to leave the city for a sufficient distance. Presumably they were also warned that it would be impossible to return. It doesn't matter what city we're talking about; it is important that such a practice existed.

In this case, the skeletons found in the city are marauders who came running from the district to rob an abandoned rich city...

What weapons did the gods use?

The weapon "charged with all the power of the universe" is called in the Mahabharata the brahma-astra. The Ramayana says:

“A powerful whirlwind arose ... It seemed that the Sun approached the Earth, the world, burned by the flame, became hot. Elephants and other animals, burned by the energy of this weapon, rushed, trying to escape ... Even the water became so hot that it burned all living creatures in it ... The enemy warriors fell like trees felled in a mad fire, the war elephants fell to the ground and roared wildly in pain. Other animals, trying to escape from the fire, randomly rushed in different directions, as in a forest engulfed in fire. The horses and wagons burned by the energy of this weapon were like the tops of trees burned in a forest fire ... "

More than once it is indicated that after the application of the brahma-astra, several more generations living in this area will suffer from many diseases and die prematurely, and women and men will become barren or will give birth to freaks.

And in the book "Karna Parva" the dimensions of the brahma-astra are given:

“The Killing Arrow is like a club of death. Its size is three cubits and six feet. Her power is like that of a thousand lightning bolts of Indra, and she destroys all life around.

An elbow is about 50 cm, a foot is about 30 cm. Total is 3.5 meters.

For comparison: the American thermonuclear bomb B41Y1 with a capacity of 25 megatons had dimensions of 3.76x1.32 m and weighed 4.84 tons. If we blow it up, we get exactly the picture described in the Mahabharata.

Isn't it pure fantasy of the ancient Indians, well, nothing to do with reality?..

The superweapon in Indian mythology always belongs to the gods, and if people use it, then only with the permission of the gods. To bring the weapon into action, it is necessary to utter a mantra known only to the gods. Such a weapon is called a mantramukta. A few decades ago, the use of a mantra to launch asters was one of the proofs of the fantasticness of what was described: primitive magical thinking, nothing to do with reality. But now, recognizing a person by voice and code word (password) is the norm for protecting many devices, from smartphones to cars, and voice assistants with whom you can just talk do not surprise even the inhabitants of wigwams and huts. And if we also remember the multi-level code protection against the unauthorized use of nuclear weapons, then the mantras of the gods cease to look like magic spells.

An even more powerful weapon than the brahma-astra is the brahmashirsha-astra. This is also the weapon of Brahma, but if the brahma-astra contains the power of only one head of Brahma, then the brahma-shirsha contains all four heads.

“It erupted into a terrible flame inside a gigantic fire sphere. At the same time, numerous peals of thunder were heard, thousands of meteors fell and all living beings were terribly frightened. The whole sky seemed to be filled with noise and took on a terrible appearance with fires of flame. The whole earth, with its mountains, oceans and vegetation, trembled." The area afflicted by the brahmashirsha aster becomes a barren desert where the earth itself and even metals become poisonous and where it does not rain for 4320 years.

It looks like a nuclear weapon with powerful radiation. By the way, the origin of some terrestrial deserts is mysterious. Even 10,000 years ago, the Sahara, for example, was a fertile savanna. Why did the climate become dry there and where did the megatons of sand come from? And in the Sahara, tektites weighing up to several kilograms are found ...

The most powerful weapon never used by humans is the pashupata-astra.

It was used only by the god Shiva (pashupata - a shepherd, one of the epithets of Shiva) in the battle with demons and in the war with Krishna. Shiva himself handed over the pashupata-astra to Arjuna before the battle of Kurukshetra, but this astra was never used because it could destroy the whole world.

"This weapon, fired by the hands of the Great God, can, without a doubt, in half the time of blinking an eye, swallow the entire universe with its moving and immovable beings".

It is impossible to say exactly how it works, there is no description, presumably, precisely because this aster, fortunately, was never used on Earth.

In total, about 90 types of weapons of the gods are described in Indian legends. Most of the descriptions are as specific as the stories about the action of the brahma-aster, but they confuse us, because if we have something to compare the brahma-aster with, then humanity still has no analogues for the rest, and it would be better if there never were.

Just to complete the impression - a description of some types of weapons of the gods, preserved by the Indian epic.

Vajra - "lightning", as well as "diamond", the weapon of the lightning god Indra. Could control the weather, cut rocks, change the course of rivers. The appearance of the vajra has been preserved for us by Hindu rites, where an imitation of the vajra is used as a sacred object. Typical cargo cult. Vajra looks like a dumbbell, where instead of iron pancakes there are four petals, which, judging by the images, could shrink or open like a flower.

Here is the vajra ritual item:

It is remarkable that the image of the vajra can be found in Indian, Sumerian, and Greek images. Here is the vajra in the hand of Zeus in the drawing on the red-figure vase in the plot "the birth of Athena from the head of Zeus":

And here is the Buddha with the vajra:

And here are already two vajras in the hands of the Sumerian god of lightning and thunder Ninurta:

This alone shows that the vajra is not a fantasy at all. But to imagine on what principles its action is based - we do not have enough imagination for this. Haven't created anything like it yet.

Narayana-astra is the weapon of Vishnu (Narayana is one of his names). “The air was filled with arrows resembling snakes with a flaming mouth”, - says the Mahabharata. - Iron balls and disks with edges as sharp as razors appeared. Cut into pieces, burned, pressed from all sides, the Pandavas took to flight. But there is no escape from the heavenly weapons. There is no hiding from him in caves or houses, if they were nearby. Arrows, balls, disks changed direction, following their victims".

"Arrows resembling snakes with a flaming mouth" that pursue the enemy are very much like homing missiles. It is more difficult to explain balls and disks ...

Sammohana-astra is the weapon of Kama, the god of love. Arrows that put the enemy to sleep, but do not harm him.

Vayuvya-astra is the weapon of Vayu, the god of the wind. Creates a storm capable of sweeping an enemy army off the ground.

Maheshwara-astra is another weapon of Shiva that uses the energy of the third eye of God. Fires a devastating fire beam. According to our concepts, any "hyperboloids of engineer Garin" are fundamentally impossible due to the diffraction of light. But the Indian god somehow coped with this problem.

More than one and a half billion dead!

The gods of myth are not inventions of the ancients. These are fantasy-scented - and sometimes no fantasy at all - descriptions of real creatures belonging to some highly developed civilization. Was it terrestrial or alien - it's a dark matter. It is only clear that this race was extremely close to people biologically - people and gods could give normal offspring, which absolutely all myths in all corners of the Earth agree on - and actively participated in human affairs. To such an extent that she had a hand in the destruction of the earthly civilization that preceded us. This is what the Mahabharata tells about.

The number of those killed in the war is also indicated - 1.660.026.000. It is possible, of course, that the figure was taken from the ceiling for some mystical reasons. But there are other numbers in the Mahabharata - for example, the unit of time "kashta" is 1/300.000.000 of a second, the time it takes for photons to travel one meter of space in a vacuum. Such numbers cannot be taken from the ceiling. We use units of time hour, minute, sometimes second - but in order to use kashta, one must deal with processes for which this unit of time is characteristic, as hours and minutes are characteristic of our life. More than one and a half billion dead - this is the same characteristic number for a war with the use of the brahma-astra and an even more powerful WMD, as hours and minutes are characteristic of our life.

It is hardly possible to restore exactly the events described in the myths under the general title "war of the gods". It is obvious that the people who survived on the radioactive, barren Earth fell back somewhere into the Stone Age. One can only be surprised that the myths conveyed to us information about a man-made disaster. And, of course, not to repeat it, but to warn. Myths and epics are always sad, often shocking with cruelty, sadistic naturalism, betrayal, perversions. The Sumerian, Indian, Greek gods, who wield superweapons capable of destroying the entire Universe, are vindictive, vindictive, cruel, petty. Whether they really were like that or whether people transferred their own character traits to them - who knows. But both are deadly. Those who develop deadly viruses in the silence of laboratories or, reading the Mahabharata, try to understand the principle of operation of the brahmashirsha-astra or the third eye of Shiva in order to reproduce them in a new superweapon, and especially those who allow this to be done and even more so order it do, - they pull the handle of the door leading to the underworld. And in the end, they can reveal it.

It seems, however, that some powerful forces on Earth (we will not specify which ones - the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, reptilians from Nibiru, the Pope of Rome, the sages of King Ashoka) are afraid of the use of nuclear weapons and severely punish politicians who allow, and even more so prepare for its application. After the Caribbean crisis, Khrushchev and Kennedy, who were guilty of geopolitical games dangerous for the world, were removed from their posts (Khrushchev - a few months later, Kennedy - a year later). But if Khrushchev was removed peacefully and just put under virtual house arrest at his own dacha, then a public execution was organized for Kennedy. There is no other way to consider a murder committed in the center of a large city in broad daylight with a large gathering of people. American presidents have been assassinated more than once, but never in such a difficult way to implement. To hide the ends in the water, the US intelligence agencies eliminated at least dozens of witnesses, and certainly no less than the participants.

The American authorities are well aware of this and therefore in every possible way disown the very idea of using nuclear weapons.

It doesn't happen!

And finally:

There is one oddity in the history of the creation of nuclear weapons, which gives it a completely mythological character. Attempts to rationally explain it take us beyond the limits of the scientific paradigm. The fact is that nuclear weapons were created in an incredibly short time, from scratch - never before has humanity dealt with technologies of this level - and it worked right away, without a single unsuccessful test.

This does not happen in technology. Even the simplest technical device requires a lot of experimentation and unsuccessful attempts to manufacture until it works as it should. And the more complex the device, the more experiments and unsuccessful attempts are needed, until, finally, something starts to work out.

What does the development of a space rocket look like - a much simpler technical device than a nuclear weapon? Made the first copy — exploded at the start. They took into account the mistakes, made the second one - exploded. They made the third one - it flew up a hundred meters, exploded. Then the rocket begins to fly, but it flies in the wrong direction and not as planned. Finally, from the 20th, 30th, 50th launch, it starts to fly as it should, and all the same, “emergency situations” occur from time to time, something fails and the rocket has to be blown up during the flight, or it itself explodes, or falls to no one knows where. And this is if you already have experience, because rocket technology on an industrial scale has existed since the time of the V-2.

And some projects don't work at all. The Soviet N-1 rocket, designed to land astronauts on the moon, was never brought to working condition. The first launch is an explosion at an altitude of 12 km. The second is an explosion when falling onto the launch pad from a height of 200 m. The third is a fall to the ground 16 km from the launch site and an explosion (a funnel with a diameter of 45 and a depth of 15 meters). The fourth is an explosion at an altitude of 40 km.

There was no fifth attempt.

And this is not from scratch, but after more than ten years of a successful space program. And the N-1 rocket was not at all something fundamentally new, it was only an improvement of the already existing and successfully operating technology.

And this is the normal situation. The history of technology is littered with fragments of rockets, cars, aircraft, water and space ships, the graves of astronauts, test pilots, and race car drivers. There are no cases of fast, error-free, trouble-free creation of complex equipment.

Except in the case of nuclear weapons.

The Manhattan Project started on August 13, 1942, and on July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb successfully exploded. Like the second over Hiroshima and the third over Nagasaki. In 1952, the Americans blew up the first manufactured thermonuclear charge on the Eniwetok Atoll, and in 1953, Soviet engineers at the test site in Semipalatinsk also blew up the first manufactured one.

I have never heard of an unsuccessful test of a nuclear weapon, of a failed fuse. There has not been a single case of an independent explosion of a nuclear bomb (and thank God). The technique works flawlessly.

Maybe everything is just polished to perfection, after all, how many years have passed?

But isn't rocket technology the same age as nuclear weapons, and are there other engineers working there? After all, rockets still fall from time to time, explode, fly in the wrong direction. And nuclear weapons are like Swiss watches.

Is it possible. In theory. And in practice - only once in history: with nuclear weapons.

But the task of a similar complexity - to launch a controlled thermonuclear reaction - could not be solved. I remember that this task was considered almost easier than the creation of a hydrogen bomb; in the 50s and 60s, leading physicists promised that just about, now, just a little and...

But the controlled thermonuclear fusion is stuck at the stage of not even an experiment, but only preparation for it, and in fact there have been no shifts since the 1950s.

But the same people who made nuclear weapons were engaged in it.

From scratch. In three years. Without a single mistake. By creating an entire industry necessary for work, and solving incredibly complex engineering problems, the likes of which mankind has never before encountered.

I will not draw conclusions. There are no facts. I can only wonder. And I want to end the article with simple, suggestive words: