Posted 16 июня 2022,, 08:18

Published 16 июня 2022,, 08:18

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

“He doesn’t care where to go!” The network discussed the participation of Kirkorov in SPIEF

16 июня 2022, 08:18
Bloggers mocked the participation of Philip Kirkorov and other strange guests in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Ivan Zubov

The amazing composition of the guests of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum did not pass by social networks. Bloggers, regardless of political preferences, ask the same questions: why did Philip Kirkorov become almost the main figure at such a serious event? Or: what is the delegation of the Taliban movement doing at the Forum, which seems to be still considered a terrorist organization banned in Russia? What economic achievements can Kirkorov and the Taliban share with the Russians?

Of particular delight was the anecdotal news that the Governor of the Leningrad Region Alexander Drozdenko and Philip Kirkorov signed an agreement on social and economic cooperation at SPIEF.

Publicist Oleg Pshenichny sarcastically hints that the composition of the participants of the International Economic Forum is “weak”:

“Although Maria Zakharova has already arrived and made a powerful speech, and Philip Kirkorov gave his interview on the economy on the sidelines, questions remain.

Where is Volochkova? Why is Vine silent? Where, after all, is Valentina Tereshkova holed up? Public economists are not represented, well, at least Alexander Andreevich Zaldostanov. But they say that in this harsh era, the Russian Federation must mobilize all the best that it has. No, comrades, you cannot build a sovereign economy like that!”

However, the bard Yuri Loza is not silent at all. Regarding the participation of Kirkorov, he spoke quite unambiguously:

“Yes, he will go to any forum - botanists, physicists or chemists. He doesn't care where he goes. The main thing is to get on TV.

That's what Kirkorov can tell the participants of the economic forum? Nothing! If I was offered to go there, I would refuse. But with my economic education, at least I understood what people were talking about there. And he could keep up the conversation. But Kirkorov cannot do this, because he does not understand anything in this area ... "

But the channel "Borodatiy sibiryak" generally suggests refusing to hold such events:

“You can treat SPIEF in any way you like. For example, I consider it a reasonable idea to simply collect a million from all respected people once a year - and not to hold a forum at all. Money - in the budget of the Russian Federation.

This idea was supported by journalist Igor Shulika:

“I would also collect a million sick children instead of forums. Especially now, when it is very directly necessary, and charity howls like a wolf.

But I would definitely leave something for regional brands. So that Sobchak, Kirkorov and others know what Siberia is and where the Yenisei is located, and also that it is not only a river, but also a football club.

Because if you know Russia, know the regions, then it will be easier to part with a million for charity instead of forums..."

By the way, Kirkorov not only signed documents of special importance at the forum, but also refused to answer journalists' questions about his attitude to the special operation. On this occasion, a civil activist and, by the way, a participant of the Forum, Christina Potupchik, is perplexed:

“Journalists at SPIEF decided to force Kirkorov to take a civil position. We found someone to get to the bottom of to make the news. Well, go ahead and try to take a comment from a soda that speaks, from a Gazprom walrus or some other interactive exhibit. The robot Dunyasha came straight from the “uncanny valley”, for example.

Is this a new stupid habit - to press any public person to the wall with shouts of "Decide"? Those who wanted to, they have already decided and expressed themselves, and the opinion of those who are silent, like themselves, should not be of interest. Philip Bedrosovich has not yet decided how many sequins will be on his costume at a concert in the Donbass Arena, and you are already asking him for a political manifesto..."