Posted 17 июня 2022,, 07:29

Published 17 июня 2022,, 07:29

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

The traffic police intends to change the conditions for obtaining a driver's license

The traffic police intends to change the conditions for obtaining a driver's license

17 июня 2022, 07:29
Фото: 1MI
The traffic police is preparing a number of changes to the procedure for obtaining driver's licenses, said Oleg Ponaryin, deputy head of the department. The document is not yet ready, but Ponaryin promised "progress" before the end of this year.

He also specified that innovations are also being discussed with the professional community.

Earlier this month, the government approved a bill that would restrict citizens' access to obtaining a driver's license, the changes should come into force on September 1 next year. Among the changes is a ban on the exam in the traffic police for a period of one year after punishment for drunk driving. All foreigners will have to exchange their national document for a Russian one within a year after receiving a residence permit or passport. According to practice, people who have already received Russian citizenship or a residence permit drive a car on the basis of previously issued foreign rights, including those issued indefinitely, which helps to evade the mandatory medical examination of drivers.

It's worth reminding that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and digital development, communications and mass communications (Ministry f digital development) of the Russian Federation are jointly developing a resource for checking driver's licenses. The departments are creating an online database that will allow taxi and car sharing aggregators to check the availability of driver's licenses from motorists.