Bodies of over 40 migrants found in Texas truck

Bodies of over 40 migrants found in Texas truck

28 июня 2022, 09:54
46 dead migrants were found in a truck in the US state of Texas. Gov. Gregg Abbott blamed President Joe Biden and the Immigration Service for the migrant deaths.

The car was parked on a small road that leads to the highway. Doctors hospitalized 16 victims - four children and 12 adults. All had symptoms of overheating. The San Antonio Fire Department said the car with the bodies had no water or air conditioning.

The authorities have now launched an investigation.

- At least 42 people are found dead in a migrant truck in Texas. These deaths are on Biden's conscience. This is the result of his deadly open borders policy,” Ebot wrote on his Twitter.

Recall that under the previous President Donald Trump, measures were taken to tighten migration policy, and a wall was launched on the US-Mexico border. . According to Trump, this was supposed to help stop both illegal immigration and drug smuggling from the Latin American country. But Biden, having come to power, softened the migration legislation. First of all, he lifted the state of emergency, which Trump had previously declared, in connection with the situation on the border with Mexico.

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