Posted 28 июня 2022, 22:19

Published 28 июня 2022, 22:19

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Lithuania has imposed a ban on gas imports from Russia

Lithuania has imposed a ban on gas imports from Russia

28 июня 2022, 22:19
Фото: Медиахолдинг1Mi
The Seimas of Lithuania banned the import of natural gas from Russia. The exception is its transit to the Kaliningrad region.

When voting on this issue, 123 deputies spoke in favor, two abstained.

From now on, Lithuania will receive gas only from those countries that do not pose a threat to the country's national security, Kommersant reports.

Lithuania stopped buying Russian gas in April of this year, and in May it refused electricity from the Russian Federation. Now gas is supplied through the Klaipeda LNG terminal.

In mid-June, a conflict began between Russia and Lithuania, connected with the termination of the transit of a number of goods to Kaliningrad through the territory of Lithuania. The Russian Foreign Ministry called the incident a blockade and promised to introduce retaliatory measures. One of them could be a regional power outage, the Lithuanian authorities believe.

However, Lithuanian Internet resources were the first to suffer. In response to a partial ban on the transit of Russian cargo through Lithuania to Kaliningrad, Killnet hackers attacked the websites of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Justice and the State Tax Inspectorate The hacker group Killnet claimed responsibility for the attacks on government websites in this Baltic country. According to the Lithuanian authorities, this is a DDOS attack. For example, the resources of the Lithuanian tax service were disabled after they began to receive too many requests.
