Posted 29 июня 2022, 09:46

Published 29 июня 2022, 09:46

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

The authorities plan to cancel the fine for driver license forgotten at home

The authorities plan to cancel the fine for driver license forgotten at home

29 июня 2022, 09:46
It is planned to submit a draft law to the State Duma, which implies the abolition of fines for minor traffic violations and tougher liability for more serious ones.

According to Izvestia, referring to the document, the parliamentarians suggest that for a dirty car number, a forgotten driver's license, an unturned turn signal, driving a car with minor malfunctions or incorrect use of lighting devices, the punishment should not be as severe as it is now. And for the fact that the car did not pass the inspection, the owner is supposed to not be fined at all.

At the same time, the deputies propose to return the fine for exceeding the average speed. From a thousand to five thousand rubles, it is planned to increase the fine for driving without a seat belt. For repeated speeding by 40-60 kilometers per hour, it is supposed to be fined in the amount of two to five thousand rubles.

In March, it became known that the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia supported the idea of confiscating cars from persistent violators of traffic rules. Earlier, lawmakers also proposed to transfer such a crime as car theft to the category of serious crimes.
