Posted 1 июля 2022,, 13:34

Published 1 июля 2022,, 13:34

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Two pedophiles in Kostroma sentenced to life for killing a child (VIDEO)

Two pedophiles in Kostroma sentenced to life for killing a child (VIDEO)

1 июля 2022, 13:34
The Kostroma Regional Court convicted two pedophiles who kidnapped, raped and killed a five-year-old girl.

According to the court, despite the recognition by the defendants of the case of guilt, assistance to the investigation and references to the state of health, each of the defendants was sentenced to life imprisonment in a special regime colony.

As explained in the regional Investigation Department of the TFR, the previously convicted residents of Kostroma Denis Gerasimov and Vadim Belyakov were in the dock.

“Depending on the role and participation of each, they were found guilty of committing crimes under Parts 4 and 5 of Art. 131, part 4.5 of Art. 132, part 3 of Art. 111, part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (rape, sexual assault, infliction of grievous bodily harm, murder of a minor),” the UK said.

The court found that on January 4 of this year, drunk Kostroma residents, seeing a 5-year-old girl near the Christmas tree near the cultural center on Severnaya Pravda Street in the city of Kostroma, abducted the child. They dragged the baby into their home, abused the girl, and then the victim was killed.

Many people rushed to search for the missing girl. Thanks to the work of the police and the help of volunteers, the perpetrators were detained on the same day. Upon learning of what the pedophiles had done, the residents of the city almost committed lynching against them.

Both malefactors examination recognized responsible.

As Natalya Shumskaya-Skoldinova, a representative of the regional prosecutor's office, clarified, the court satisfied the civil claim of the victims. In favor of the parents of the deceased girl, 2 million rubles were collected from each of the defendants in court.

If the convicts appeal against the verdict, its legality will be checked by the First Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction.