Posted 12 июля 2022,, 12:56

Published 12 июля 2022,, 12:56

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Question of the Day: Will Olaf Scholz resign following Boris Johnson?

12 июля 2022, 12:56
Network analysts differently assess the causes and consequences of the sex scandal around German Chancellor Scholz.

The sex scandal that erupted after the event of the leading German SPD party is being actively discussed on social networks: is it an accident, or an attempt to put pressure on Chancellor Scholz?

As you know, at an SPD event with the participation of Olaf Scholz, someone injected several women with a drug that causes temporary memory loss. According to the German publication Der Tagesschau , at a party where Chancellor Scholz was present, at least five women, against their will, took "Rape Drops" - a kind of potion of insecure lovers that immobilizes the victim and deprives her of memory. The newspaper claims that these women complained of harassment and alleged rape. The next morning they did not remember anything, and did not drink alcohol. The Berlin Criminal Police are investigating. “This is an outrageous event, which we immediately reported to the Bundestag police,” says Mathias Martin, leader of the SPD parliamentary faction, in a letter to the Bundestag deputies and its employees.

Experts ask themselves: is the scandal that occurred after Scholz's words about Russia's use of gas as a weapon accidental? Arguments for supporters of this version are added by the resignation, which was announced the other day by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Will Scholz resign after Johnson?

Analysts of the Politjoystick channel are sure that he will inevitably leave before the expiration date:

“The Germans are extremely disciplined, rational in everyday life, obedient people, but they demand the same from the federal authorities. The Germans are ready to tighten their belts, if necessary, but if they do not simultaneously see rationality in spending budget funds, and even going to the side, and even when they are required to wash from a basin and drink warm beer. This will infuriate any burgher or city dweller. The Germans will be against the special operation in Ukraine, but Scholz will be swept away…”

Network analyst Anatoly Nesmiyan is inclined to think that the cases of Johnson and Scholz are still a mere coincidence:

“After Johnson's resignation on an equally trifling matter, where he was charged with supporting the former prime minister's ugly protégé, the scandal involving the German chancellor could also lead to a similar outcome. Or maybe not.

Sometimes coincidences are just coincidences, and it makes no sense to look for common features in them. Although, of course, the story is strange. As if someone specifically wanted a scandal, and again - for a completely nondescript occasion. After all, nothing happened to women, and parties are such a thing. Someone will definitely wake up in the wrong place and in the wrong state. If the name of the Chancellor had not been uttered in connection with this incident, it would not have aroused any interest at all.

But the expert of the channel " Image of the Future " believes that the scandal is not accidental:

“The German Chancellor, just like the two previous leaders of their states, tried to set a course for the independence of his country. He delayed the supply of weapons to Ukraine, tried to save his economy and do business with Russia to the last. If this scandal can be stirred up, then the next head of Germany will think carefully before deciding to play for an independent Europe.”

The publicist Igor Maltsev sees in the scandal a sign of the moral decay of the German elite:

“Today we are witnessing a fantastic picture of the decline of the German elite. While ordinary people are turned off the warm water in the pools and urged to shower with cold water in the name of the bright ideals of democracy and support for Ukraine, while the supermarket customer is considering whether to buy him chicken or fruit, because there is only enough money for one thing, the political class of Germany walks all the way.

Here, in the courtyard of the office, a chemical orgy is being prepared, here, on the island of Sylt - the most expensive resort in the country, in the most famous European bar "Zanzibar", on a nudist beach, Finance Minister Christian Lindner arranges a wedding with Die Welt journalist Franka Lefeld for € 1 million. Here the entire Bundestag sets off for a well-paid vacation - they have just been given a little more euro in addition to their 10-15 thousand salaries. What is happening in general? Rome in decline? Pirok during the plague - this is what it looks like.