Solovyov and Mikhalkov pushed Sobchak and Dyud* in the list of leaders of public opinion

12 июля 2022, 15:39
In the summer rating of influencers, Ksenia Sobchak dropped from first place to tenth.

Research holding " Romir " published the traditional seasonal rating of "influencers" - leaders of public opinion in Russia. The changes compared to the spring rating are striking: the first three places in the top ten have completely changed.

On the updated "pedestal" now, instead of spring Ksenia Sobchak, Yuri Dudya (recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation) and Dmitry Nagiyev (all three, each in their own way, did not support Russia's special operation in Ukraine), Vladimir Solovyov, Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrey now appear who supported Russian policy Malakhov.

Sociologists pay attention to the unexpectedly sharp ups in the rankings of male singers.

So Oleg Gazmanov ended up in 18th place, while in the spring he took 51st, and a year and a half ago, in general, 122nd. Yuri Shevchuk moved up to 28th place, although 3 months ago he was 67th, and a year and a half ago 138th. Nikolai Baskov rose from 85th immediately to 35th place, and Grigory Leps from 172nd to 36th place.

Descended from the pedestal, Ksenia Sobchak commented on these figures in her channel:

“Very good mood of the people shows the new rating from Romir - 50 main influencers. Leaders of public opinion among Russians. In the spring, when everything just happened, I was in the first place, Dud was in the second. But time goes by, propaganda works, moods change and people need to justify what is happening in order to come to terms with it, to feel that they are “for good”. Where is the best place to convince them? On TV. So we see Solovyov and Mikhalkov in the leaders (and it is strange that Skabeev is not with them). And Dud and I, with our positions, are in 10th place ... "

By the way, as Novye Izvestia has already reported, the Lefortovo Court of Moscow, at its meeting on July 7, found Yuri Dude guilty of promoting non-traditional sexual relations among minors, without specifying exactly how he promoted these relations. The journalist was fined 120 thousand rubles. However, Dudya himself was neither at the meeting, nor in Moscow, nor in Russia.

According to the latest reports, he was fined for an interview with openly gay actionist Fyodor Pavlov-Andreevich, said Ekaterina Mizulina, director of the Safe Internet League.

* recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation

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