Getting the snow in Africa! While the whole world is languishing in the heat, skiing in Lesotho

8 августа 2022, 16:24
Afriski, located at an altitude of 3000 meters in the Maluti mountains, is the only active ski resort in Africa south of the equator

Much of the Earth is experiencing its hottest summer in decades. One of the most comfortable places right now is probably Lesotho - a tiny kingdom in South Africa, where the ski season is in full swing, reports the Associated Press .

And this is not another climate anomaly caused by global warming. An enclave state completely surrounded by the territory of the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho is unique in that it is the only country in the world whose entire territory is located above 1400 m above sea level. Therefore, in winter it falls and even snow lies. Moreover, Lesotho has its own ski resort - Afriski, located at an altitude of 3000 meters in the Maluti mountains. It is the only active ski resort in Africa south of the equator.

Most of the skiers and snowboarders on the local slopes are Africans, many see snow for the first time. Africans may not be up to the level of the famous alpine resorts, but the enthusiasm of local sports fans and instructors makes up for all the shortcomings. Last month they even hosted the Winter Whip Slopestyle snowboarding and skiing competition. And in the evenings, Afriski's Sky restaurant and Gondola cafe host dinners where athletes show off their winter outfits and drink beer.

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