Posted 10 августа 2022,, 13:26

Published 10 августа 2022,, 13:26

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Question of the Day: will Fan ID destroy Russian football completely?

10 августа 2022, 13:26
Experts note that with the introduction of the mandatory FAN ID, the attendance of Russian Premier League matches has dropped significantly.

Football experts have warned about this for a long time, even when the authorities had the idea to let only holders of the so-called “Fan IDs”, or Fan IDs, enter matches.

The stands were empty and sad

The introduction of this document this season further reduced public interest in domestic football, which has already fallen significantly due to the mass departure of legionnaires and foreign coaches. Football analyst Gleb Chernyavsky cites depressing statistics on this subject in his channel:

“I think everyone understands that Fan ID is destroying the attendance of our football, but not everyone understands exactly to what extent.

1. So far, the most attended match with Fan ID is Nizhny Novgorod - CSKA. With a ticket price of 10 rubles, it gathered 11,847 spectators

2. "Wings of the Soviets" - "Torpedo". Price - 8 rubles, spectators - 10,159.

3. "Wings of the Soviets" - "Dynamo" - 6672 spectators.

It's funny that in May of this year, in the match of last season, when "passports" had not yet been introduced, the same teams gathered 32,314 spectators - 5 times more!

4. Rostov - Orenburg - 4458 spectators. Their match in 2019 gathered 14,584 spectators - more than 3 times.

5. Rostov - Khimki - 5313 spectators. Match of the same teams in May without Fan ID - 15,825 spectators.

But five thousand spectators in the stands are only the sad atmosphere at the match, but also unearned money ... "

Further, the expert recalls that the organization of one match, depending on the city, costs from 6 to 8 million rubles, which would be fully paid off with a normal attendance of 15 thousand spectators, but with 5 thousand, the clubs will simply work at a loss.

“Insanity is complete, but nothing can be done about it ...” concludes Chernyavsky.

You can forget about beautiful stadiums

And journalist Kirill Shulika draws attention to another, no less important side of this problem:

“In general, what will the “fan go away” lead to in terms of sports infrastructure.

Those beautiful and ultra-modern stadiums built for the World Cup will fall into disrepair. And they were built with the participation of the state specifically for the people and for the development of sports, and not in order to overgrow with cobwebs. Their content is the money of the fans who buy the ticket, this is the main article. If it is lost, then this means just dilapidation, and quite fast. In addition, clubs may also leave them in favor of cheaper options. I already wrote that Sochi will have enough of the stadium named after Slava Meterveli, Fisht is not needed, and in Rostov there is Olympus XXI Century, in Samara Metallurg, they are much cheaper to operate ... "

Beggared on their own head

An interesting fact should be noted here. There is a witty thesis that says: "Russia is the monkey of the West." That is, our country is trying to imitate the Western world, no matter how it denies it, literally in everything, including the establishment of the Fan Pass, which, as you know, has been adopted in many European countries to prevent violence among fans. But there is one significant difference: for example, in England, the attendance of games in the 5th or even 7th league is much higher than in the Russian Premier League. It's just that there, as in other countries, they love football, while in Russia the interest in this game since the times of the USSR has fallen catastrophically, and with it the quality of Russian football has fallen. This is clearly seen from the results of the Russian national team and clubs participating in European competitions. And there is almost no doubt that domestic football will simply finish Fan ID. After all, you can work with fans in other ways, if, of course, you want to. But it is unlikely that Russian officials and law enforcement officers will want to do something really useful instead of such seemingly simple bans.

Yes, my wife will just send me!

Comments on social networks also testify to this:

- 5 thousand go to matches of the Latvian League

- I have a different direction about this fan id. Summer. The daughter went to the camp. My wife and I are both. I suggest to her - let's go to football. Lokomotiv - Spartak. No problem. And now, in order for a one-time wife to call her, she needs to register? Yes, she will send me and she will be right

- And you can see it this way: the introduction of Fan ID showed how many people really love football and are ready to endure inconvenience for it, and who just went to hang out.

However, there were also such opinions:

- Or maybe the reason is that after receiving a fan ID for your obscene / racist chants and a fight on the podium, it will be possible to get to the uncle investigator for a serious conversation, and not how to go to drink beer with the same "fans" before? The problem is not in reaching the MFC, but in the fact that they take away the feeling of impunity. And the football itself here, it seems, was not particularly interesting.

- Clubs are fed from the budget, one way or another. Ticket revenue is a relative trifle, mostly. Whoever respects himself, he will not issue. But there are many who don’t see anything in this (and in everything else too), don’t want to see it, it’s easier to live like this, in a herd and hope that they will be the last to be led to the slaughter, but they will certainly be led.