Posted 12 августа 2022,, 14:02

Published 12 августа 2022,, 14:02

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Private island in the ocean: how Joe Biden spends his holidays

12 августа 2022, 14:02
In a tradition followed by all American presidents, Joe Biden went on vacation in August. Together with his family, Biden went to a private island in South Carolina, where he was given a vast estate for free use.

The Bidens' vacation home is located on Kiawah Island and is owned by Maria Allwyn, the widow of New York hedge fund mogul James Allwyn, who has been a financial supporter of the Democratic Party for many years, reports the Daily Mail. The first family flew to the island on Wednesday and are now resting there in high security. The territory of the site along the perimeter is patrolled by Secret Service agents moving on golf carts. They also guard the beach, separated from the house by dunes and lush vegetation. Two Defender-class coast guard boats equipped with machine guns are stationed near the shore.

This is not the first time the Bidens have stopped at the Allwyn house. They first visited there back in 2009, when Biden was vice president. The owner provides them with free use of the entire estate, which includes the master's house for nine people, a large guest house, a salt water pool and a beach area. She herself lives in her main residence in Connecticut.

The Allwins bought the property on Kiawa Island back in 1991 for $1.2 million. In July of this year, it appeared on the list of real estate for sale, where it was valued at 20 million, becoming the most expensive offer at that time in the state of South Carolina. Kiawa Island has many private residences, including the homes of Olympic figure skating champion Tara Lipinski and NBA basketball player Ray Allen.

After the death of her husband, Maria Allwin, together with her son, runs Aetos Captial, which is valued at $11.31 billion. For many years she has supported prominent representatives of the Democratic Party, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Vice President Kamala Harris. In total, the widow donated $353,662 to political campaigns, mostly to Democrats, according to the Federal Election Commission. So, for example, in 2019-2020, she made a contribution to the presidential campaign of Joe Biden in the amount of $40,600.

How long Joe Biden's vacation will last is unknown. The White House press service has always emphasized that the president is never truly free from his official duties. So Biden will continue to consult with aides and hold daily national security briefings, no matter where he is.