Posted 12 августа 2022, 14:01

Published 12 августа 2022, 14:01

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Russians began to refuse mortgage loans

Russians began to refuse mortgage loans

12 августа 2022, 14:01
Фото: 1MI
Citizens of the country are interested today only in preferential loans with a long repayment period.

According to the Bank of Russia, in the first half of 2022, 544.8 thousand mortgage loans were issued, which is 41.8% less than in the same period last year. The total amount of loans issued amounted to 1.88 trillion rubles, which is 30.2% less than a year earlier. At the same time, the rate of decline in June was more significant than the average semi-annual rates - the number of loans issued fell by 63.4% in annual terms, the volume of lending decreased by 53.5%.

Experts of the analytical channel "Bla-bla-nomika" comment on this situation in the following way:

“Despite the historically low average interest rate (in June - 6.36% on loans provided in rubles), the demand for mortgages remains low. Judging by the average level of the rate, only subsidized mortgages are of interest. However, in the long term, the interest rate gain is largely offset by an increase in the loan term. Thus, the weighted average term for HMLs extended to resident individuals in rubles was already 269.9 months in June, having increased by 26 months over the year (that is, by more than 2 years!). At the same time, in 36 regions this period has grown much more significantly. So, in the Oryol and Leningrad regions, the republics of Adygea and Tatarstan, the mortgage period has increased by more than 40 months - that is, the family will have to pay off the mortgage for more than 3.5 years longer than even a year ago.

Either borrowers are counting on inflation, expecting that the current amount of monthly payments in 10-15 years will mean little (hello to the Bank of Russia, which expects confidence in its policy), or they are trying hard to save every thousand rubles, being ready to take over the extra years of payments. In any case, the trend is alarming…”
