Posted 17 августа 2022, 12:04

Published 17 августа 2022, 12:04

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Question of the day: should the current denunciators be considered the great-grandchildren of Pavlik Morozov?

17 августа 2022, 12:04
Public accusations of well-known directors, actors, theater groups that they do not give a “correct” assessment of the special operation are already regularly appearing in the Russian media and social networks.

Sergei Baimukhametov

As Novye Izvestiya has already reported, the activities of the recently created Group to Investigate Anti-Russian Activities in the Sphere of Culture are bearing first fruit: a register of cultural figures and officials holding an “anti-Russian position” has been created and is being updated.

However, this “first fruit” is not a “fruit” at all, but a most powerful poisonous root that already gives and will give such “flowers and berries” that can flood and poison the entire Russian field of public life.

At the first meeting of the group, the chairman of the Just Russia - For Truth party, Sergei Mironov, and co-chairman Zakhar Prilepin, stated that they intended to "counteract pro-Western influence in the humanitarian sphere", to promote "the formation of a patriotic cultural elite", that their new structure "includes deputies, senators and representatives of the sphere of media and culture”.

Zakhar Prilepin pointed out that "if we do not make the right bet in the field of culture, then this will turn into a disaster for statehood."

Sergei Mironov added that some well-known singers and artists have generally gone abroad and are now “blathering” from there, and some are hiding here:

“It is necessary to purge not only the Moscow, but also the regional creative elite,” Boris Antropiev, artistic director of the Bryansk Theater for Young Spectators, set the task.

But the goals and objectives of the group are wider than just the sphere of culture. Deputy Dmitry Kuznetsov outlined:

"Mopping up should take place in the ranks of officials and managers who are responsible for their actions to the state and voters."

This group, in addition to its website, created a special website called "Cultural Front". Not anything, but the "front"! There was a list on it. It has 142 people.

At the end of the list is a special form: "Report agent or accomplice." Now it is also called "Feedback".

That is, the Russian is invited to report on those who, in his opinion, are not loyal enough or even simply “silent”.

It is known what such "initiatives" are fraught with. First of all, this is a political opposition of some citizens to others, a direct call for confrontation, for a split in society.

And also - a way to settle scores, to do small or big muck to your neighbor. For example, for the purpose of obtaining direct benefits.

Let's say Ivan Ivanovich, a props carrier in the regional drama theater, dreams of becoming an illuminator. But this place has long been occupied by an experienced, honored worker, Sergei Sergeevich. And so Ivan Ivanovich writes on the website "Cultural Front" (not anything, but "front"!) That Sergey Sergeevich in the smoking room was talking about ...

In the regional department of culture, they may get scared: not something, but the “front”, “politics”! They call the theatre. Sergei Sergeevich is fired, and Ivan Ivanovich takes the coveted high post of lighting engineer.

Now let's extend this model, this plot to all spheres, to all levels - what will happen?

It is probably no coincidence that the list included the names of well-known heads of state, budgetary organizations - people who are more than loyal to the authorities. Of course they were outraged. One of them, Vitaly Tretyakov, dean of the Higher School of Television at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, sent an open letter via social networks to those whom he considers the organizers of the action:

“I found out that my name is included in the list of people “taking an anti-Russian position”. Firstly, this surprised me, since there are no more reasons for including me in this list than for including each of you. Of course, I'm not going to make excuses. I admit that you, as they say, were set up by your assistants. Then look for the ignoramuses and idiots among them. But I expect apologies, of course, not from them. Of course, I have my own version of putting my name on this list. It is no longer associated with idiocy or ignorance, but with provocation <…> Look for provocateurs or bribes in your environment. I look forward to your honest and objective response to my appeal to you!”

See how everything unfolds. Up to suspicions of political provocation and bribery.

In connection with the scandal, GRAD published a message:

“The media got some lists of people from the sphere of media and culture, which were presented to the public as “black lists of artists” or “lists of agents of foreign influence.” The GRAD considers it necessary to clarify this incident. These are the lists of members of the jury of the Big Book and the expert councils of the Cinema Fund. And it is also worth noting that these are working materials that are not intended for the eyes of the general public, but have been in the media.

More than a strange statement. About what speech - it is not clear. So "there was a boy" or he "was not"?

And Tretyakov published a response letter from Sergei Mironov on his Twitter:

“I know you as a patriot and statesman, an honest and decent person. The appearance of the lists of the GRAD group is not someone's mistake, but a cheap provocation. I am proud that together you and I became the objects of this provocation. Worthy company!”

Here's how: it means a provocation ... And a special form at the end of the list: "Report about an agent or accomplice", she's also "Feedback" - what's that?

The poisonous seed produces its poisoned "flowers and berries". Articles with a touch of denunciation are already appearing in the press, in which members of the group and its supporters publicly accuse well-known directors, actors, theater groups of being "silent" about "our special operation" and the like.

So let's think: is this initiative a call to expose imaginary enemies or incitement to denunciations, a way to settle scores, clearing for ourselves, loved ones, positions, places in the political, state, cultural field?

By the way, all these "accusers" loudly declare "protection of our traditional family values." About them, about these people, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Yamburg accurately said: “It is impossible to instill family values in children while denunciation is the norm. Pavlik Morozov's cancer cells multiply instantly."

If any of the young people no longer knows, then Pavlik Morozov is, perhaps, the most famous school pioneer of the Soviet Union. Generations were brought up in his image. Pavlik Morozov is a boy who in 1931, at the height of the “fight against the kulaks”, wrote a denunciation of his own father to the authorities.

However, let's take into account that Pavlik Morozov is a child of ideologically inflamed times. He did not pursue any other goals. Does he recognize the current scammers as his ideological great-grandchildren?
