Posted 18 августа 2022,, 07:08

Published 18 августа 2022,, 07:08

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Very childish... The network is discussing the dismantling of a memorial plaque to Bulgakov in Kiev

18 августа 2022, 07:08
Unlike many Ukrainian bloggers who oppose the “war on Russian monuments", the Russians react to this as a matter of course.

As many media and social networks have already reported, a memorial plaque to the writer Mikhail Bulgakov (1891-1940) was dismantled in Kiev, which hung for five years on the building of the former gymnasium, where the author of The Master and Margarita, The Heart of a Dog and The White Guard studied. This act is logically included in the general trend that is unfolding in Ukraine today. So, recently, Russian writers were removed from the Ukrainian school curriculum, while leaving the Ukrainians who wrote in Russian: Gogol and Korolenko. Interestingly, Bulgakov was also left there, but probably not for long. In the capital of Ukraine, there are still many reminders of the famous writer who was born in Kiev and wrote a lot about him. This is a monument, and a street named after him, and a house-museum, and even another memorial plaque. Apparently, soon all this will also be “cancelled” as part of the fight against Russian culture.

Moreover, the idea of renaming streets named after the famous Russian painter Karl Bryullov is gaining momentum in Ukraine. Moreover, Ukrainian experts themselves note that Bryullov played a special role in the biography of Taras Shevchenko and that in many ways his talent was revealed thanks to Bryullov, his teacher at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Moreover, the portrait of Zhukovsky, painted by Bryullov, became the main material resource for ransoming Shevchenko from serfdom.

The Bolsheviks once acted in exactly the same way.

So a Kievan, Ukrainian philosopher Andrey Baumeister writes in his blog:

“Furious supporters of renaming-whatever-whatever-becomes are not stopped even by the fact that the great artist Bryullov played a special role in the biography of Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko.

So, Shevchenko owes Bryullov both freedom and skill as an artist. And so I am sad to read with what enthusiasm and pathos the joy of the "decolonization" of the streets bearing the name of Bryullov is described by journalists.

One of the basest vices is the lack of gratitude. Without the virtue of gratitude, it is difficult to build a culture with a future in mind...

And in general it is difficult to build something..."

Another Kiev resident, Yefim Hoffman, is in full solidarity with his countryman:

“I am convinced that these processes must be stopped. Of course, not through the intervention of state, political structures of other countries, but through a firm moral assessment of people from all over the world participating in the formation of public opinion. Barbaric actions like the demolition of the memorial plaque to Bulgakov are not only a FIGHT AGAINST CULTURE, but a struggle ... with their own, Ukrainian (even post-Soviet-Ukrainian!) history. Why in 2017 (!) (not in 1997! not in 2007!) was this board installed on the “yellow” building of Kyiv University?

Because before the revolution, this building housed the famous Kyiv First Alexander Gymnasium, where not only Bulgakov studied, but also Paustovsky and many other significant personalities. That is, the gentlemen who removed this plaque show that they defiantly and derogatoryly refer to a significant part of the old people of Kiev, who have their own memory, their sacred, dear names, places that are associated for them not with politics, but with the memories of grandparents (or - great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers), with pages of favorite books (and the White Guard, and the same, for example, Paustovsky's Tale of Life).

Why does it need to be destroyed? For the majority of Russian-speaking educated Kyivans, Bulgakov is associated not with this or that ideology, not with the nation (ordinary readers of Bulgakov, for the most part, are not soil-dwellers, but - let's be frank - spontaneous cosmopolitans), all the more - not with statehood, but - simply with good literature (!!!). Far from all (to put it mildly, very mildly!) Muscovites and Petersburgers share Dostoevsky's political views, and as for his anti-Semitism, all the more so here we can only talk about a very specific environment (like the circle of authors and Our Contemporary and the newspaper " Tomorrow”), which sympathizes with such obscurantism. But on this basis - not to perpetuate the memory of the great writer in Moscow and St. Petersburg?!

Nonsense, madness - and only ... those same Bolsheviks who are so hated by Ukrainian activists who use a similar, barbaric approach towards (in this case) Bulgakov could act in this way. They do not think at all about what vicious "traditions" they are reviving..."

And a million plaques won't replace a human life

Public figure Tatyana Ponomareva testifies to the sharp turn that took place in the public consciousness of Ukrainians:

“The other day I published a small post in memory of the submariners who died 22 years ago from the nuclear submarine Kursk. For all of us, those were very sad days. For many, they continue to be so today.

In general, many symbols coincided in that old tragic event. So, my Ukrainian friends, who 22 years ago took this tragedy to heart, wrote under my post: “It’s not a pity, today this boat and its crew would participate in the NWO.”

In my opinion, in such a reaction, the desire of Ukrainians to break all ties with the Russian Federation, even associative ones, even those that have nothing to do with today, is realized. And the longer the special operation continues, the more radical this reaction will be.

Of course, no one wants to become an object of dehumanization. But you and I will have to stay in this shoes for some time in order to reassess values (if someone has not done it yet), to understand what it is like to be an object of dehumanization, and to recognize that not a single destroyed, crippled, destroyed human life is worth all memorial plaques in the world.

Demolition of monuments is so childish…

However, many Russian bloggers were by no means so tragic about the news of the dismantling of the memorial plaque to Bulgakov in Kyiv:

- Whether Bulgakov, Pushkin or Yevtushenko - the essence of Russian and world culture! But whether to erect monuments to them and whether to name the streets after them is the business of those peoples who live on these streets. Just like learning Russian or Tatar languages there is also their business. We ourselves are to blame for the fact that we did not carry out lustration and did not forever deprive the criminals from the “office” and the CPSU of the opportunity to come to power

- Freed from Russian culture, all Russian. Well, they deserve it.

In addition, Bulgakov was in a sense a Russian nationalist (like Pushkin), although he lived in Kyiv and stood for the One and Indivisible. In the "White Guard" this can be traced. But I think this is temporary, such things have happened in history more than once or twice. Jews communicate with the Germans, although it would seem they should not.

- Honestly, the removal of memorial plaques and the demolition of monuments is very childish. Because an adult does not need these pieces of iron in order to know that it was in this house that Bulgakov lived. The real monument to the writer is shabby books on the shelf in the home library, and not memorial plaques and cast-iron idols.

- It's okay, Bulgakov is no stranger to it, but Art is beautiful because it will outlive us all and all these moments, and they will continue to read it, and they will return the board (“you die, you start over again, and everything repeats like old time ...”)