Posted 24 августа 2022,, 08:21

Published 24 августа 2022,, 08:21

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Lithuanian Foreign Ministry demands to let Russians into the EU in response to the question of Crimea’s ownership

Lithuanian Foreign Ministry demands to let Russians into the EU in response to the question of Crimea’s ownership

24 августа 2022, 08:21
The head of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry, Gabrielius Landsbergis, said that the Baltic States, Poland and Finland need to establish a regional ban on issuing visas to Russian citizens if this is not done at the EU level.

The entry pass could be answers to questions about Crimea and the activities of the Russian military in Ukraine.

"The border guard has the right to ask if you support the war in Ukraine, whose Crimea. Only from this answer, that a person crossing the border of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland, will say that, in his opinion, Crimea is not occupied, it can be assumed that the admission of this person is not in the interests of national security", - Delfi quoted Gabrielius as saying Landsbergis.

Lithuania can establish such a measure unilaterally, but it would be more effective «at least if a regional decision is applied.» He pointed out that after the air service was closed, the Baltic States, Poland and Finland became the way for the citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus to Europe.

The ban on issuing Schengen visas to Russians at the EU level is also supported in the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland. Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, for example, has previously noted that it is not normal for Russians to travel across Europe as if nothing had happened while hostilities continue in a neighboring state.

The Polish authorities intend to create a coalition to lobby for a ban on the issuance of Schengen visas to Russians for tourism purposes.