Posted 29 августа 2022,, 13:58

Published 29 августа 2022,, 13:58

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Won't we forget? Won’t we forgive? ...The network wonders about the reasons for the return of Alla Pugacheva

29 августа 2022, 13:58
The arrival of the prima donna, unexpected for many, has puzzled the Russian public, which does not know how to regard her behavior.

Timofey Zubakin

As you know, the Russian prima donna Alla Pugacheva returned after several months of absence from her homeland. The singer said that her vacation ended, during which she underwent treatment and rested, and when asked about the specific reasons for her return, she answered: “I need to put things in order. In my head, in your head."

Of course, the very fact of Pugacheva's return and her response caused a wave of comments in the Russian public space. Adding to the intrigue is the fact that her husband, artist and TV presenter Maxim Galkin has repeatedly and publicly spoken out against Russia's special operation in Ukraine and, it seems, is not going to return.

“The arrival in Russia after a long absence of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva raises a serious question for fans of her work - how does Alla Borisovna feel about a special military operation conducted by Russian military personnel on the territory of Ukraine", - State Duma deputy Sergey Solovyov said bluntly.

And Bishop Savva of Zelenograd put it even more clearly: “Some chansonnière considers herself entitled to teach people about life!” And he expressed the hope that the returning "jesters, lackeys and buffoons" would no longer be allowed to be teachers, and "buffoons" would no longer be "moral tuning forks".

Writer, screenwriter and publicist Dmitry Petrovsky is surprised:

“Alla Pugacheva is back. It's on all channels now. Some say it's good, some say it's bad. One thing surprises me: why did this news become news at all? Alla Borisovna is a singer of the past era and at the same time her constant. No matter what happens in the country, no matter what crises shake us, no matter how the changing world bends, there will always be she and a group of people playing the retinue on the stage. And it seemed that it would always be so.

But something unexpected happened. A special operation, after which it turned out that nothing would be the same as before. It turned out that the culture can be different. What is timid, uncertain, in some places crookedly oblique, but new music and poetry are breaking through and Pugachev with a seemingly immortal retinue will no longer have anything to do with it. And if you can somehow imagine her with Anna Dolgareva on the same stage, then with Akim Apacheva - definitely not. We have new stars, a new context. New time, and he has new drums and flutes.

No anger towards Alla Borisovna and her return. An honored artist can live anywhere: even in Russia, even in Israel. But I would like to wake up in Russia, which is not interested in where the singer from the past is now. And I believe: this will happen before Pugacheva once again decides to change her place of residence"...

Petrovsky does not know or has forgotten that at the beginning of this year, Pugacheva led the most influential musical performers in Russia by a wide margin, and she has been doing this for more than one year and more than one decade. And it is unlikely that any Dolgarevs or Apaches will approach it in the foreseeable future.

But the artist Nikas Safronov , who was closely acquainted with Alla Pugacheva, commented to Komsomolskaya Pravda on her return to Russia without Maxim Galkin:

“You never know who her husband is. Maybe she'll get married! She never gave up on Russia. Yes, her husband spoke out, made statements that were unpleasant for us, but this has nothing to do with Alla Borisovna. She has always been Russian, she sang in Russian, she took place in Russia ... "

Network analyst Anatoly Nesmiyan does not understand the noise around Pugacheva at all:

“It is not entirely clear the desire to divide everyone into groups on some basis. Every person has the right to opinions. And whether he should publicly express them. If Pugacheva (Ivanov, Sidorova) wants to speak out in public, he will. She doesn't want to - again, her right. What does some deputy have to do with it, it is not clear ... "

Other commentators on social networks cannot come to a common opinion. Some do not hide their irritation towards Pugacheva:

- It's time for corporate parties begins, that's pinned back. Cabbage will be cut and in April it will be dumped back for “treatment”.

- Let him go to Donbass! If he does not go, then block the opportunity to earn money in Russia. If they do not block such an opportunity, then those who should have done this, but did nothing, will be brought to justice.

- In the West, there are thousands of singers like Pugacheva, if not more. She, most likely, would not have achieved anything there at all, and her popularity arose only due to the fact that in the USSR admission to the big stage was very limited. There was very little competition. She should be grateful to the Motherland for the fact that she is now in terms of fame and prima donna. And she gave joy simply because more talented singers were not allowed to give it. But she is a fan of the West at the same time. Vile quality - ingratitude. Children, too, if you give a lot of money - they will deteriorate, so she has too much popularity. Spoiled grandmother, and the mind will not be typed already .

However, Pugacheva still has a lot of defenders:

- She's over 70! Let him live as he wants! There was nothing wrong with her! And she is a great singer!

- Well done Pugacheva throughout her career, she never got into politics, unlike other artists.

It is curious that almost simultaneously with Pugacheva, another popular character of the Russian stage, Valery Meladze , returned and had already managed to perform in the Moscow Raduga club. At the end of February, he was one of the first among the stars to record a video message in which he called for "stop hostilities", for which supporters of the special operation began to criticize him.

Previously, the artist was included in the so-called list of "undesirable Russian musicians", so the recent performance at the club took place in a secret atmosphere. Analysts note that a clear violation of the status of a foreign agent can play a cruel joke on Meladze in the form of criminal prosecution, however, they do not exclude that the artist returned in order to make friends with the authorities.