Posted 5 сентября 2022,, 06:26

Published 5 сентября 2022,, 06:26

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Reuters announced the resumption of operation of the Nord Stream gas pipeline

Reuters announced the resumption of operation of the Nord Stream gas pipeline

5 сентября 2022, 06:26
Фото: 1MI
Referring to data from the Gazprom website, the day before, the publication reported that gas supplies via Nord Stream had resumed and were carried out at the level of 184 kWh.

Gazprom does not comment on the situation. Earlier it was reported about the shutdown of the Nord Stream gas pipeline for maintenance work jointly with Siemens from August 31 to September 2. The Corporation reported an oil leak at the Trent 60 gas pumping unit at the Portovaya compressor station, which caused the launch of the gas pipeline to be cancelled.

“Siemens takes part in the repair work in accordance with the current contract, detects faults, signs an oil leak detection report, and is ready to fix them. Only there is nowhere to repair”, - the message on the Gazprom Telegram channel says .

Siemens also said that the oil leak is not the reason for the shutdown of the gas pipeline.

“The defects claimed by the Russian side are not a technical reason for stopping work”, - the company said (cited by Reuters).