Posted 14 сентября 2022,, 14:17

Published 14 сентября 2022,, 14:17

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

No fish, no meat: how the diet of Russians will change in the near future

14 сентября 2022, 14:17
Rising prices and the effect of anti-Russian sanctions will radically cut the usual diet of Russians.

The action of anti-Russian sanctions is primarily experienced by a simple consumer, and first of all - in the usual diet, and of course, in the direction of less variety. This is connected with rising prices, and with a sharp decline in purchasing power, and with a narrowing of imports. And besides, because of the problems with logistics and re-equipment of enterprises that arose in connection with the sanctions. The head of the consulting agency Bright Consulting, food market expert Maria Yashenkova explained which products will disappear from the usual menu.

Fresh vegetables in winter. Cucumber and tomato salad will be a sign of a wealthy family this winter. For example. Not everyone is ready to pay 500 rubles per kilogram of bell pepper, and therefore this product is already disappearing from the shelves of inexpensive stores. Tomatoes, cucumbers, and green salads will disappear next, and only carrots, cabbage and root crops will remain.

Fish. This product has long been more expensive than meat, and will become even more expensive. Trout and salmon will not be available at all, but you will have to eat sprat and herring.

Wine. They will mainly drink strong alcohol, and vodka, mainly, which will even become cheaper, and wine (including Russian brands) will become unaffordably expensive.

Chicken, meat semi -finished products, all semi -finished products. A semi-finished product is a processing, and therefore an additional cost. If before it was profitable to process and sell chicken ham, rolls, minced meat, etc., then from now on it will be only carcass, as the cheapest type of product. Even a chicken disassembled into separate parts will become a rarity!

Conditionally expensive meat and poultry. From now on, beef will be replaced by pork (and in Islamic regions - chicken). Turkey, goose and duck will again, as in the USSR, be festive food.

Everything that included an additional convenience option. Porridges in bags will disappear, because cereals are much cheaper. Instead of muesli - oatmeal. We will again begin to learn how to sort buckwheat and wash rice, since the convenient pre-treatment of products is too expensive.

Complex confectionery. Multi-layered sweets with the addition of nuts, nougat, caramel, mousse layers will become a thing of the past, and simple sweets will remain: cookies, waffles, sweets with a homogeneous filling.

Products in expensive packaging. Instead of tetrapacks, milk and juices will return to finpacks (film bags), which are much cheaper.

Exotic products that definitely cannot be produced in Russia. No mango for breakfast, no Thai fish sauce. In terms of availability, all this will become on a level with black caviar: it is for sale, but you will not buy it.