Posted 19 сентября 2022,, 05:51

Published 19 сентября 2022,, 05:51

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Two people died in the Kursk region due to a hurricane

Two people died in the Kursk region due to a hurricane

19 сентября 2022, 05:51
On September 19, it became known about the death of a person due to the fall of a tree felled by a hurricane in the Kursk region. Earlier it was reported about the death of a teenager from Kursk due to a hurricane.

"Under the fallen tree found another dead. Details will be specified later", - the regional administration reported.

Before that, the investigation department received a message about the death of a student born in 2004. He was alone in a dorm room when a hurricane toppled a tree that crashed onto the room's window. The young man received injuries incompatible with life.

To date, 87 settlements with five thousand local residents of the region remain without electricity due to the elements. Kursk and Lgov suffered the most from the squally wind.

On September 12, it became known that three people died in Primorye during Typhoon Hinnamnor: one of them died in a drowned car in the Terney region, two more were washed away by a stream of water in the Lazovsky region.