Gennady Krasnikov elected new President of the Russian Academy of Sciences

20 сентября 2022, 16:35
The elections of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences were held in Moscow. They became Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady Krasnikov. He replaced Alexander Sergeev in this post.

64-year-old Gennady Krasnikov is a Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of semiconductor physics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Nanotechnology and Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

871 votes were cast for him, against 379. 397 people voted for his opponent Academician Markovich.


Earlier, Alexander Sergeev announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy from the election of a new head of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In fact, he admitted that he was forced into it.

Previously, academic structures associated with Sergeyev have repeatedly criticized the actions of the authorities. On February 24, more than 200 Russian academics and scientists wrote an open letter to the authorities demanding that the special operation be stopped. Sergeev himself did not sign this letter. He did not speak publicly for or against the special operation.

In the academy itself, the pre-election alignment was as follows: nine out of thirteen departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences voted for Krasnikov. For Sergeyev - four. Sergeev was opposed by the main part of the vice-presidents and the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and practically the entire old staff of the academy.

It is known that on the sidelines the option of transferring the RAS from state to public status is already being worked out immediately after the celebration of its tercentenary.
