Posted 22 сентября 2022, 14:42

Published 22 сентября 2022, 14:42

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

In the Leningrad region, the mobilized will keep their jobs safe and will be paid the minimum wage

In the Leningrad region, the mobilized will keep their jobs safe and will be paid the minimum wage

22 сентября 2022, 14:42
The authorities of the Leningrad region have named measures to support the families of citizens who will fall under partial mobilization. The plans are to keep mobilized work, where they will be paid the minimum wage, plus military allowance.

Alexander Dybin, St. Petersburg

The Governor of the Leningrad Region Alexander Drozdenko announced plans for partial mobilization. According to the head of the region, it is necessary to “surround with care” the families of those who have gone into the army.

“It is important for us that everyone who is subject to mobilization understand that their close relatives and relatives will not be left without attention,” Drozdenko said, “for each called-up, we need to talk, find out what problems there are, how to help families, so that people leaving to defend their homeland, solve the tasks of the NWO, they understood that relatives are under care and guardianship.

According to Drozdenko, several support measures are being prepared, in particular, assistance in placing children in kindergartens and schools, next year - quotas for admission to universities in the region and St. Petersburg, partial compensation for housing and communal services.

“We are preparing guarantees for the preservation of jobs,” Drozdenko said, “as well as partial compensation to employers for wage payments in the amount of the minimum wage, so that not only the job remains, but also the minimum wage is paid during the absence.”

Similar measures were announced in the government of St. Petersburg.

“Children, wives, elderly parents should be provided with a full social package of social services in accordance with the Social Code of St. Petersburg,” said St. Petersburg Governor Alexander Beglov.

In addition, the head of the Northern capital noted the need to organize work to search for draft dodgers.

“On behalf of the governor, the district administrations and local administrations of municipalities will assist military commissariats in informing citizens about their arrival at recruiting events. Work will be intensified to establish the whereabouts of citizens who evade military service, - the press service of Smolny reported, - the governor emphasized that all officials today must understand the degree of personal responsibility for the implementation of an important state task.
