“This morning, the deputy director of school No. 14 in Balashikha received a telegram message from a stranger. He introduced himself as a friend of Artyom Kazantsev, who fired yesterday in Izhevsk, and said that now there would be more victims, since 6 kg of TNT was laid in the educational institution”, - Baza reported .
As proof of his words, the unknown person provided a photo of a grenade, a machine gun, as well as objects similar to explosives.
“The MKU is ready to do anything for your corpses", - the unknown person said, implying, apparently, a terrorist organization.
The "friend" of the Izhevsk shooter gave the leadership of the educational institution 25 minutes to neutralize the "pranks" left by him. Firefighters and police were called to the scene. During the inspection of the building, nothing suspicious was found, but until the end of the school day, the school will be under heavy guard.