Posted 3 октября 2022,, 10:04

Published 3 октября 2022,, 10:04

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

In Primorye, the sale of alcohol near mobilization points will be limited

In Primorye, the sale of alcohol near mobilization points will be limited

3 октября 2022, 10:04
Фото: Медиахолдинг1Mi
Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory convened an extraordinary meeting of the Parliament to adopt amendments to the regional law on the sale of alcoholic beverages.

The amendments allow regional authorities to impose a ban on the sale of alcohol during the introduction of the state of emergency and in the event of the announcement of mobilization.

Based on the new law approved by the deputies on October 3, the authorities of the region want to adopt a resolution banning the sale of alcohol within a radius of 300 meters from the buildings of the military registration and enlistment offices and 500 meters from the collection points of mobilized citizens. The regional authorities indicate the presence of four such points in the region: Sibirtsevo, Sergeevka, Ilyinka and Bamburovo.

“This is necessary to ensure law and order”, - Kommersant quotes the statement of the head of the region, Oleg Kozhemyako.

Earlier, similar laws were adopted by the authorities of at least six other Russian regions after the announcement of partial mobilization in the country. During the mobilization campaign in Primorye, they intend to send 7.7 thousand people to the front.

Earlier it became known about massive violations of human rights during the mobilization in the country, which led to a flurry of complaints to the ombudsmen and a series of resignations of military commissars in the Magadan region and the Khabarovsk Territory.

In a number of regions, people who were illegally sent to the troops had to be urgently returned home. The authorities acknowledged that at a number of mobilization points the conscripts were neither checked for their health status nor paid attention to the presence of social factors hindering mobilization.