In the Khabarovsk Territory, the military commissar was removed from his post and half of the mobilized were returned

In the Khabarovsk Territory, the military commissar was removed from his post and half of the mobilized were returned

3 октября 2022, 09:36
The head of the Khabarovsk Territory, Mikhail Degtyarev, removed the military commissar of the region from his post. Half of the local residents called up as part of the partial mobilization were returned home.

“The military commissar of the Khabarovsk Territory, Yuri Laiko, was removed from his post on Monday. This will in no way affect the fulfillment of the tasks that the President of Russia has set for us”, - Degtyarev said (quote from Interfax).

He added that during the partial mobilization in the region, thousands of citizens received subpoenas and arrived at the military registration and enlistment offices, but half of them were returned home as inappropriate for conscription. In particular, a local resident was returned home, who alone is raising a disabled daughter.

“In ten days, several thousand of our fellow countrymen received summons from us and arrived at the military enlistment offices. We returned about half of them home as they did not meet the selection criteria for entering the military service under the contract”, - said the head of the region.

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